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Sbamc of

America; The Glory and



(.'onsulahip; Condi-

and Ffttc of England; Samuel Hmwand Hia Republic; Life (»f Charles Sumner; Our One Hundred Years; America's Advancement; The Mexican Republic; Hiatory of the United States; ini Stanhope tion t«»a


Burleigh, a novel; with several tranalationa of standard Italian autiiors. He died Jan. 29. 1890, in Detroit, Mich. Lester, Charles Smith, lawy er, jurist, was born March 16, 1884, in Worcester, Mass. He was district attorney in lS.')9-62 at Sarat(^a Springs, N.V.; county judge in 187076; and was also supervisor of the town of Saratog.M pn'sident of the village of Saratoe:a Springs, and president of the board of He died in 1003 at Saratoga education Springs. N.Y. Lester, George Bacon, lawyer and director,

was bom July


1872, in

Seneca Falls, N.

Y. He graduated from tlio Ne w York law school with the degiee of LL.iS. He is a auccessful lawyer of New York city; and a director and general counsel of the Fleischmann manufacturing company and various other corporations. He is a member of the Law institute; a member of the Association of the of the city of New York, and a member of Tarioiia eluha and aoeieties.


Lester, Posey Green, clergyman, journal-

congressman, was born March 12, 18')0, in Floyd county. Va. Since 1876 he has traveled extennively and has preached in many states. Since 188.3 he has been associate •'ditor of Zion's Landmark, one of the periodicals of hu church. In 1889-93 he was a representative from Virginia to the fifty-first and fifty-second ooQgreases as a democrat. itit,

Lester, Rufus Esekial, soldier. lawyer, srimtor. congressman, was born Dec.



1837, in

Burke county, Ga. He entered


military service of the oonfederate states ill ISHl and ri'iiiained in the service until the end of the war. Ue was state senator of Oeorsia in 1870-79; and was presi^ <U'nl of thi- .senate dmlnt: 1'h' last three years of service. He was mayor of Savannah in 1883-80. Tn 1880-1007 he was a rep* resentative from Georgia to the fiftv-first, fifty-second, fifty-third, fifty-fourth,' fiftyfifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth ronfrn's.scs as a demoerat. He died in 1906 in Savannah, Ga.

Lester, Thomas Bryan, physician, was born July 24, 1824, in Charlotte county. Va. He served as assistant surgeon in the Mexican war. Tn 18S4-88 he practiced medicine in Kan.'<as City, Mo. He was president of the Kansas City medical society in 1860 and 1870; and of the Missouri medical so* ciety in 1870. At tJie time of hi^ dcatli he was the oldest medical practitioner in Kansas City. He wrote oecasional papers for

medical' journals.

Kansas City, Mo.


died Feh. 25, 18B8, in


Lesueur, Alexander A., soldier, journalist, state legislator, secretaiy of state, was bom Nov. 25, 1842, in St. Louis, Mo. He served through the civil war; was promoted to sergeant-major of battalion; and captain commanding the third Missouri field battery. He setth in La Fayette county, Mo.; was a member of the Missouri house of representatives in the thirtieth genera! assembly; and was tlm author of the penitentiary law. In 1888 he was elected secretary of etate of Missouri; and waa r.-<-lected in 1892, 1R96 and 1900, Hejs also editor of Kansas City Times. 1

Letneur, Charles A., educator, artist, auwas born Jan. 1, 1778, in France. In 1816 he began teaching, drawing and paint* in^ in Philadelphia, Pa. He waa the author of I'Mirnal de Physicipic. He died IXse* 1£( I84ti, in Havre, France. Lettfccr, Greenlee lawyer, Davldsoii, statesman, was born July 19, 1867, in Lexington, Va. In 1888 he graduated from the Virginia military institute. He was a mem* her of the Virginia state legislature in 188993. He was chairman of the state democratic convention in 1897; and has been presidt>nt and director of several land and devel* thor,

opment companies. Letdier, JdUt journalist, lawyer, congr»*ssman, governor, wbh born March 29, 181:3, in 1^-xington. Va. In 183U he edited the Valley Star of Lexington; waS a presidential elector in 1840; and was a member of the convention for reforming the constitution of Virginia in 18.'»0. In 18.51-69 he waa a representative to the thirty -second, thirty-third, thirty-fourth, and thirty-fifth con;;ri>Hrs: and was the twenty-eighth governor of Virginia in 1860-64. Ue died Jan. 26. 1884. in Lexington,

Va, Lotcher, Robert Perkins, lawyer, diplomat, congresomau, governor, was born Feb. 10, 1788, In Goochland county, Va. He serv*

fi a rmitilicr of years in the Virginia state legislature, and was at one time elected speaker of the house. In 1823*36 he waa a

repre.'ientative to the eighteenth,

nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty -second and twenty-third congreases; and a presiden* tial eh'ctor in 18.'17. He was the fourteenth governor of Kentucky in 1840-44; and in 1849 was appointeil minister to Alexico. He died Jan. 24. 18t»l, in Frank tort, Ky.

Letchworth, William Piyor, merchant, philanthropist, author, waa bom May 26, 182;?. in Hrownville. N.Y. In 1848-09 he was a nianutacturer in BuiTalo, N.Y. Since 1860 he has (h'voted his entire time to eharit* nhle work. He -K-'iiml the pa-4>jap[0 of a New York law proviiiing for the removal of children from almshouses and other paupo" estahli.shnient.s. He also devoted much attention to the care of the insane and other reforms. He is the author of The Insane in

Forei^ni entries of Kpileptics.

and Oare and Treat-


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