Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/537

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Letton, Charles Blair, luwytr, jurist, was (h-t. 2.'), 1S.'>;{, in Kdinburgli, Scotland. In 1K81 lie waH adniittt'd to the Ni-braHka bar; in 1886-90 was pnisiTuting attorney. He is usHociate-justicp of the state supreme court of Nebraska. Letts, Arthur, educator, mcrcbant. was born June 17, 1862, in Knj^land. He opened up a stort in Los Angeles, Cal. and later was proprit tor of the Brou«lvay department store of California. Ue is interested in education; and over one hundntl studentn are now beinj; educated by iiiin.


Leubuscher, Frederic Cyrus, soldier, lawyer, was born Sept. 1. I860, in New York city. In 1881 he be;;an the practice of law in New York city; ami has been attorney for numerous co-operative buildings and loan associations. He is the autlior of Ilistorv of the (ieorge-Hewitt Campaign of

Minnesota. Canandaigua. Ticonderoga. Vermont. Severn, Worcester. Tuscarora. Juniata, Philadelphia, and served in several navy yards. In llMK)-02 iie was superintendent of the naval gun factory at Washington,

In l!M>2-04 he commamled the Maine; and '^ince llMI'j has tn-en commandant of the navy yard and superintendent of the gun factory at Washington, D.C. He serveti through various grades until 1!)07 be was promoted rear admiral.


Le Van, William Barnet,

c(dlege and received the degree of A.M. In 1872 he received the degree of LLrH. from the Columbia law school. In 18788.'»



was e<litor and owner of the

Syracuse 1S8.1





ton stair correKp»indent of the New York Kv»-ning Post; and in I8S»-U>01 had charge of the ashiii<;ton bureau of that paper. In l802-0."i he was editor of (Jood (Jovernmcnt. the ollicial organ of the National civil service reform league. Since iJMK'i he has been I'nited .States commissioner of in«lian atrairs. He is the author of How to Prepare for a Civil Service Examination; aiitl




Leuschner, Armin Otto, •<ln<ator. astronomer, author, was born Jan. 16, 1868, in IVtroit. .Midi. Since 1898 he has been associate professor of astronomy and geodesy


direct(»r in the Student ob.servatory of univ«'rsity of California. He is the author of Short .Metliod of Determining Orbits from Thiee Observations; and Works in (Jerman. Leutze, Emanuel, historical painter, artist, was born May 24. 1816, in (Jermany. H4'iiig obliged to leave (Jermany on account of poliiit i] opinions, he made Philadelphia liis home. His Western Kmigration is cons)>icuous in the national capitol. and Washington Crossing the Delaware is everywhere familiar tlirou;:ii engravings, lie died .luly 18. 1868. in Washington. D.C. Leutze, Eugene Henry Cozzens. naval officer, was born Nov. 16. IH47. in Prussia. In 1867 he graduati'(| fr<»m the I'nited States navel academy; and served on the the


Its I'se.

Leventhorpe, Collett, soldier, was born iHl.'i, He 8erve«l in l.">. in England.


Leupp, Francis Ellington, journalist, author. WHS born .Ian. 2. 184!>, in New York city. Ill 1870 he graduat«'d from Williams


inventor, author, was born June 3, 1829, in Kaston, Pa. He is the inventor of a steam i-ngine governor; a self-reconling steam engine indicator and glass water gauge; and an improved stationary engine. He is the author of I'seful Information for Engineers: and the Steam Engine Indicator and


the civil war; attainetl the rank of brigadier-general. He die<l Dec. 1, 1889. in Rutherford. N.C. Leventritt, David, lawyer, jurist, was l>orn In 1871 .Ian. 31. 184r». in Winnsboro. S.C. he was admitted to the practice of law; and has been special c<»unsel for the city of New York in important cases. Since 1898 he has been justice of the state supreme court of New York.

Leveque, Joseph Mark, educator, jounialplaywright, autlior. was born Aug. 26, 1868, in Natchitoches. La. He gTaduate«l in

the schools of English. Eatin and (Jreek at the 'and<-rbilt university. He taugbt in Hubbard ccdicge of Overton. Texas; entered newspa|M'r work on the Evening Mail of


Worth. Texas; subsequently became

city editor of the Fort




Waco Day; and was afterward on the local stalTs of the New York World and the New York Morning Advertiser. He served five years on the Picayune of


Orleans. La.;

and two years on the Times-Democrat. In 1899 he fcmnded and has since been editor and owner of Harlequin, an illustrated weekly jcmrnal of New Orleans. La. He is the author of The Swimming (iirl, a comic opera pnMhuM'd in HK)2; King Capital, a comic opera: and other stage an<l fiction works. Lever,

Asbury Francis, educator, lawyer, congressman, was born .Ian. .l,


.springliill, S.C. In 189") be graduated from Newberry college; and in 18!M> graduated from tiie law department of 187.'»,


university. He was a member state h-gislatiire fr«»in Lexington In 1901 -|.') he was a representative from South Carolina to the tifty-seventh and fifty-eightli, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixtyfirst, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a democrat. Levere, William C, journalist, author, (;eori;et<iwn

of the county.

was Il»'

bt»rn 0«-t.


New Haven. Conn. Kvanston city court;

1872. in

was magistrate


