Page:Historical account of Lisbon college.djvu/54

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The tenth President was the Rev. Mathias Watkinson, who succeeded Dr. Barnesley in 1672. His talents and virtues were not less eminent than those of his predecessor, and he equally enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him. He was born in London, and entered the College at the close of the year 1647, when only thirteen years and six months old. From that time to his death during the long period of sixty-three years, he never quitted the establishment. On the conclusion of his studies he entered among the Superiors in quality of Procurator, filled successively the Chairs of Philosophy and Theology in both of which he gave several courses of lectures, was made Confessarius, Vice-President, and eventually President, succeeding on the return of Dr. Barnesley to England. In this office he continued for thirty-four years, until by an order of the three Vicars Apostolic then residing in England, he resigned it into the hands of the Rev. Edward Jones. In a life exclusively academical there can occur but a few incidents of general interest. All the particulars which the Annals afford of Father Watkinson are confined to the accounts of the success which he met with in frequent public Theses over which he presided and to the high enconiums which they bestow on his mild and paternal administration. He died of a paralytic stroke in the year 1710, three years after he had retired from the government of the House. In his will he made the College heir to all his property.

During the long Presidentship of Father Watkinson and that of his predecessor Dr. Barnesley, the high reputation which the College had won for itself was maintained by several distinguished members who