Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/14

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H IS T O R IC A L IN D E X C O L U M B IA C O U N T Y A b o rif iDva ........... 2 A frinu i M. H. Cliurcb........... 146 A|cg^Miioo«. Jndian.. 13> 188, Agrricultuni) Aaaodatio&a . . . U Agriculture .......................... 2h laduin .................. 3 A fton <Alnc<lial ................. 267 AiutnaD. Alexander . . . . .221. 62h A lr a e d ia ................................. 26? Americao Car and Foundry Co,— Hcrwick .......................l i L llervrick KoIUog M ill Co.» I873 iV ie w l ................... l i l B rrw irk Store Co. (V ie w ). ir»s niooDiwlmrg ...................... 113 Jftd(»on A Woodin Firat .store (V ie w ) ................. 168 Jackiion A Wo^^lo M fg. Co.» 1873 (V ie w ) ................... l i i l^ w e r W orlu (V ie w ). . . . . 163 S t e e l C a r Department (V ie w ) ............................ 165 Up(>er W ork* (V ie w ) 163 Am uiem ent llouaea— Bloom*burg ...................... l i a Anthony, «Tudge Joaepta B. 6 ^ 3J3 A nthracite ............................ SS A p p le Orchards ................ 33 A rea o f Pennsylvania........... 12 Ariatca (^Montana**) ..............266 Aaaessment and V alu ation.. . 21 Awwssors, Township and Bor* ough ................................... 83 AAjicciaie J u d g e * ................... U A th le tic P a r k ........................ i 2 i A tio m ey a . District . . . . . . . . . S2 BaW v. Edward U ........... l i L 5 2 i B a H y Guards ................... 81j 228 Baldy, W illiam J ............. 318. 32d Bands— Beaton ............. 2 i£ Berwick .......... 184 Bloomsburg . US Catawissa .............................132 Banka ................................... 13 B e n t o n ..................................211 Berwick .............................. U 2 Bloomsburg ............ 121 CaU w issa ............................ 122 O n t r a l i a .............................. 222 b lillv in e ................... 2S1

Baptiata 62, 176^ 223, 22L 342, 2iS Dar> Membera o f Columbia County ........................ 11 Barkley, Ctiarlea G ............... 121 Bear Hun (31ordansviUe).. . . 222 Reaver Touuidiip ................... 222 B ««v e r V alley (Shuman* tow ni ................................... 223 Bench and Bar...................... a Benton B orou gh .......................212 Renton Towftshlp ................. 212 Berwick Borough ................. lilL Berwick Bridge ..................... 42 •Site o f Steamboat Aoei* dent (V ie w ) ................... 42 Berwick Circuit ................60, m Berwick Guards ................... i S i Berwick Hospital ............... 182 View .................................. i» 6 Berwick School* ....................118 8 Berwick Store Company 12 1 Department Store (V ie w ). 124 B illM n ier, Michael ............. H Bloom T o w n a h ip ................... 121 B loom sbu rg........................... l o i Bloomsburg* ^ u n t y Bridge at 54 V i e w ................................... 42 Bloonuburg Hospital ........... 1 L| View .................................. 122 Bloomsburg Soldiers* Monu­ ment ................................. 123 'lew ................................. 12 2 Bloom«iburg State Kormal School ................................ 1 2 A V i e w ................................... 122 AgrlcullurHl D epartm ent... 33 Bloomeburg. Tow s Fountain. U 2 Bloomvburg, Tow n H a ll U2 B o A ty a riU .............................. 222 Boone. Samuel ................. 17, 121 Horougha— B e n to n ................................ 310 Berwick ............................. H 2 CatawiMa .................. 188 Oentralia .................... . . . 221 M illv ille .............................. 222 Orangeville .................. 256 Stillw ater .......................... 221 W est Berwick ................... l i l Bosley, F o r t .......................... 11 Bmindarie*. Penn«ylvanU . . . 12 Bowman. RUhop T h om a n .... 22

Boy Scouto Troop................. i s i Boyle'e (B ra d y » ) F o rt............ UUa B fu r LYeek ............................ 212 Briarcrvek Townnbip ............. 218 B r id g e *.................................. .53-56 (See a b o Borough and To VII dllip Chapter*. I Berwick (V ie w ) ............... 41J County Bridge a t Bloomaburg fV iew ) ................... 46 Brien. W illiam 150. H i Brobet. C hristian.. . . y , 1 * 0, IU7 Buck Mountain 10, 333 liu c k h o m ................................. 2 i 2 B u ckw h eat.......................... 28, 2 1 Buuiieaa Establishoresta— (Sec Borough and Tow*n* «bip Cliaptera.) ByniesvilJc ............................ 307 Campbell (Central) ................. 2 H Canal lYade .......................43. 1 2 Ganalboat*................. 43, i o f r *366 PatMenger Boat, 1868 (View I ............................ 128


Car w ork *, Berwick............. 122 View* ................................... 124 Carver. Prof. H enry............... 122 Catawissa Borough ............ iKs Catawissa Bridgo ........... 41 Catawissa G iu r d a ............... ^ Catawissa Friends Meeting H o u s e ................................. 182 ^ lew • • • • * * . . . . » « • « » , « ^2 fl Chitawlssa Mountain I2 i ^-i6 Oilawtssa Soldiers* Monument m i V i e w ................................... 122 Catawissa Township .......... iss CatlioBca— (Irrek and Roman Catholic*. I Cattle Kpidemie ................... 2 2 Cemeteriea ............................ 57, 147, 18^ 201. 340, 251, 26? Centennial C e l e b r a t i o n , B loom sbu rg........................ 1 2 4 C V n lm l................................... 2 2 1 (Vntralifl Borough .. . . . . . 201 IVntre TowasMp ......... ^21 (V n terrille (Centraliai ........ -203 (V nlrevllle (T.ime R id g e )... . 222 Chapman, lion. Keth 65,211


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