Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/15

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vni Clierriogton F a m i l y ................2&2 ('h rU tia o U eBvm inativo.. .§3, 146.12L m * 2d!ii 222 Churcnea ............................ 42 (See aUo Borough aud TowDsbip Ctiapiera.) CIrcuiU. M. K ......................60,121 O v il W ar .............................. Z3 ColumlMa County ia t h e .. . . & Q D ra fU ................................ 12 ila y lo B , Thomaa 104, 104 CVarcd la n d , Acreage 82 Clerks, County ..................... HI Clevdand TownaUiD .............. 221 Clubs, Litera ry aJid Social— Berwick .............................. i£Z Bloomaburg ...................... 122 CaUwiasa .......................... 201 C o a l ....................................... 19^ a Dredging ............................. 22 Mining ....................... 21 Coal Minea, ^ 2 2 L 208 C^le Fam ily ........................... 203 C W i , B illy .............................211 0>l«*a CVcck 269, 221 Gollieriea .. .................. 2A Columbia County, H iatory o f l Columbia County. Organlza* tion .............................. 62, 223 Columbia County a fte r 1660. Hi Cbhxmbia County Agriculturai. Uortietihural and Mechanical Aaaoeialion . . . U (*olumbia <'4Hioty Bar Aa*o* eiation ................................ 21 CVhimbia County 3Cedkal 8o* c ie iy ................................... 16 ('olum bia County Courthouse 81 V iew * H4, 222 Columbia County Biatorical Society .................................I 3 i Columbia County J a il........... S3 V i e w .................................... 120 Columbia County O fficia ls... H2 Oolumhia Park ................... 222 (Y)luaibla County Pourhousea H6 (>>lumbta ( f l i n t y Sabbath School Amocifttion ........... 23 Cblumbia GuanU 18^ mi^ 2U2 Commieaionera* C l e r k s H H Common School L a w .............. U t'oniatoga Wagons ............... Ongrew iional D iitricta . . . . 88 Congrcasm en.......................... &9 Coooer Implement W o r k s ... Connreiictil Claim s. . . . 13, 14, LOA (o n m gb a m , Judge John X . . r .................................... 68,312 Conyngham T o w n s h ip 2£U (Vmpcr (Bloomsburg Pioneer) 121 (Nipper C r a t e 2?, 22Q County Bridge, nioom sburg.. 43 V i e w ..................... 36 Couoty Com m iaslonerv &d O m n ty Fairs ......................... 31 County Jail ............... 85 V i e w ................................ 120 County Seat Conteat B2, t22^ 226 County T re a a u re ra ............... S3 Courthouses a t Bloomshurg. Old and Present (V ie w s !.. A t PanTille (V 'ie w s j 221

H ISTO RICAL INDEX Crawford, Gapt. Jack................ 203 Creasy .................................... 250 ( reeks .................................... lo (Y e v e lif^ G r a p e 28, 206 Cumberland P i k o ................... 30 Derra ...................................... 242 District A t t o r n e y s ............... 82 Districts— C on gressioiu il.................... 80 Judicial ........................... 65, 20 lA'gislative . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69, 30 Doan, John ..................17^ iOA iXiuiiel, Hon. Cliarlea G .. .66, 312 'Thirbam " B o a t s ................... 42 E arly Physicians ................. li Eaton, Frederick 11.......... 162. 412 M u e a iio n il G r o w t h .............. O i Modem Development ........ U5 S u t is U c a ................... 95, ^ 68 (See also Borough and Township Chapters.) fvk«ction D is t r ic t s ................. 86 Electric l ig h t it ig ... .50, 1 1 1 . 2 16 E l^ tr ie R a ilw a ys 46, 50, 2il3 Kik Grove ...............................221 Elwell, Judge W illia m .......... ^ 312, 6IA Ent Poet. 0 . A . K ................. 132 Episcopal (Protestan t) De* nomination .............. 6 ^ 182^ 121, 286, 261. 211 K s p y ..........................................266 Esther Furnace 23, 225 Kvangelical D rnom inatioo.... 63x U L 116. 12L 179- 200. 217. 219. 22SL223. 237, 212, 251. 854. 288 Evans. Judge Cbarlea C ........ 12, 211,132 Evans. W illiam W 125, 522 Kvanaville .................................2 1 2 Eves. John ......................... 17, 232 Explosion on K iver Steamboat IIH86) ...........................12, 152 Eyer, Ludw ig .................. 1115 Eyer's Grove ........................... 235 KyerataedUl (B loom sb u rg}.. 185 Fairs. County ....................... II Farmers. P r o m in e n t.............. 30 Fem vilW ................................ 112 Fire Companies ..................... ......................I l l , 166, 122, 246 First S e t t le r s ......................... 15 {See also Borough ‘ and Township Chapters.) F is h e rie s ........................... 264, 221 Fishiiig C r e e k ......................... 222 Fishingcri*ek Townahip ........ 22H Floods ................................... 53.56 Foot and Mouth D is e a s e .,.. 36 F o r k s ................ 236 FormatioA o f Cou nty. . . . h2. 213 Forts. F ro n tie r.. ^ 121, 2 2 L 332 Fort McC7ure ('bapter. I). A . R. .................................I L 1 6 L 131 Founding o f Pen n sylvan ia.. . 12 F o m id rw ille .. .............. 15L 226 Fow lervillc ............................... 222

Franklin T o w n s h ip ............... £31 Fraternal Organizations A r i s l e s ................................ 226 Benton .................................. 8 lo Berwick .............................. 485 B lo o o u h iirg ............. 128 B u c k h o m ...................... . . . 212 Catawissa ........................... 121 C e n t r a lia ............................. 2UA Centre Township .......... 223 E s p y ...................................... 262 J o l a ..................................... 234 M illville .............................. 235 Numidia ........

  • 4 5
  • 4

Orangeville ....................... 45H Friends, Society o f ........... 57, 5H^ I50| 170, IKji, lo g . S22* JLld Friends' M eeting House, Ckta* wissa .................................. 196 View .....................................16a Frontier F o r t s . . . i IS L ^ Fruit R a is in g ....................... 23 Furnaces, Anthracite and Charcoal ............................. 21 Columbia Count v ............. ^ SS2* &2 ^ 1L Montour ^ ^ n t y ............... 21 AbandoniHl .. ................... 25 Furry Fam ily ....................... 188 Galena O r e ........................... 20. 27 Gas lA g fa tin g ......................... 18 Geology and To[*ography, Iron, Coal ........... 16 (See also Borough and Township Chapters.) Oermariiown ........................ 207 Glen CHty (Scotch V a llcyl .. 222 Orange, patrons o f nusbaodry 36 (S ^ also Borough ah4 Township Chapters.) Orassmrre P a r k ..................... 2Z1 Gravel Picker, fo r Buckwheat 3A Greek Catholics 63, 179,266 Greenwood T o w n s h ip 4:u» Gristmills. O ld ...3 2 , lAO, goa. 219. 225. 229. 23X 23.5. 239. 247. 24H, 2.M. S.17253. 25.5. grtO Guava ...................................... 211 Harrison (S u garloaf) Town* s h i p ..................................... 246 Ilemtoek Township ............... 238 Herring. Judge G ra n t 22i Hinckley, Hon. Ifen re M . . . . ......................... 68. i l i 218.118 llisto rira l Society, t^olumbia C o u n t y ................................ 121 H orse Breeding .......... 3i) Homes, Pioneer ..................... 14 Hopkins, Rev. O ilcb . £ 2 ,126 211 Hoepitals— Berwick ............................ 4a6 B loom sbu rg........................... 146 V i e w s ................................ Hughcsburg (^ t a w iM S } . . . IHU H u rley G u a rd s ....................... 81 Ikeler. .fudge Elijah R . . . . . ................................ 62, 212, 12Q Indians. The ......................... 1