Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/168

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COLUM BIA AND M ONTOUR COUNTIES thanked fo r his generous offer, seconded by Mrs. C. A . C asw ell and carried. The nominating committee then presented the follow ing names fo r the offices mentioned and they w ere elected: President, W il­ liam W . E v a n s; vice preridents, C harles E . Randall, C ataw issa, Jo h n W . E v a n s, B e r w ic k; secretary. M iss Elizabeth A . L o w, Lim e R id g e; treasurer, Jo h n W . Shum an, Blooms* bu ig; librarian, M iss M artha L . Caldwell. Bkxim sburg: executive com m ittee: Q inton Herring, O ran geville; M iss M yra M . E ves, M illville; M rs. I. R . W o lfe, E s p y; M iss M ay M cH enry, S tillw a te r; W . M . Longenbeiger, M ainville; Jo h n H . A ikm an, Cabin R u n; L . P. Sterner. B lo o m sb u rg; M iss S arah M . Hagenbuch. C en tre tow nship: R . W . Sm ith. Mimin. W illiam W . E v an s thanked those present for givin g him the honor o f being the first president of the Columbia County H istorical ^ i e t y . H e empltasized the fact that what wc of today a r c doing w ill be of the same interest to posterity as the days o f o u r fo refath ers arc to us, .and o u r inability to Icam simple facts of those d a y s shows the importance w e should give today’s happenings in our county. At the second quarterly meeting six stand­ ing com m ittees w ere appointed, v iz .: history, biography, genealogy, re ics and curios, nccrolog)‘, and household arts. T h e committee on hunory, consisting o f A . W . D uy, E sq .. M rs. I.. P. S te rn e r and M iss E d ith Patterson, col­ lect and collate books, new spapers, manu­ scripts. letters and histories o f tlic industries of the county, a s well a s historical data pertain­ ing to the county’s jiast. T h e biographical cocnmiitee. consisting o f J . C . B row n . D r. I. W. Willits and M rs. M . E . Ent, prepare and tab­ ulate the data of the lives of the men who have aided in the county’s development and secure portraits and paintings o f (hose prominent in Its history. C harles E . R an dall, of the Catavrissa 'n v s Ite m; Dr. J . R . M ontgom ery, o f Bloomsburg. and M iss Sarah M . Ilagcnbuch, of Centre township, arc the mcmliers of the genealogical commiitee. whose w ork lies along the lines o f co-ojicrating with the organized family reunions, tracing the antecedents of the prominent fam ilies to an earlier date. The relic and curios committee, consisting of Mrs. C . W . Funston, M rs. H . H . G rotz. o f Bloomsburg. and M iss M yra E v e s, o f M ill­ ville. h ave the task o f collecting tools, imple­ ments and especially firearm s that w ere used by the e arly settlers of the county, and secur­ ing a history o f each article. The necrology committee. P r o f. D. S . H artline. Dr. Jeannette M . T ren ch and M rs. J . R.


Schuyler, investirate ancient tombstones in the county graveyard s and keep a record o f deaths throughout Uie county. Household a its in the county receives attention at the hands of the Historical* Society with especial attention to the w ork that w as done by the early settlers. Specim ens o f spinning, w eaving, old w earing apparel, and o ld -fa ^ io n e d playthings are a m o ^ the articles collected. M iss Sarah E . V^anTasscl w as elected corresponding secre­ tary*. A room w as secured fro m the county com ­ m issioners, to be used as an office>and fo r the prcscr*ation of the various articles collected by the society. T h e members who signed the charter were (fro m Bloom sburg except as n o te d ): M rs. M . E . E n t, M rs. M . A . Joh n, M r. and M rs. A . W . D uy, P ro f. and M rs. D . S . H artline, M rs. C. A . C asw ell, A n n a L evcrctt, E liza­ beth Ix»we, Helen C h rism an; Sarah M . Hagcnbuch, Centre tow nship; S arah V'an T assel, M rs. J . S . J o h n; E lla G . Stew art. O ran geville; M ary P. Lxverctt, M rs. H . H . G rotz, M rs. J . R. Schu yler. M rs. C . W . F u n sto n; M yra E ves, M illv ille; M rs. H . A . M 'K illip, M artha C ald­ well. C lara Dieffenbach, Jo h n W . Shum an, J . C Brow n, W . W . E v an s, D r. I. W . W illits, Dr. J . R . M o n ^ o m cry, Edith Patterson, D r. Jeannette M . T rench. M rs. G . P . F rym ire, M rs. R . G . Phillips. M rs. I,. P. S te rn e r; W. M . Ixnigcnberger, M ain ville: M ay M cH enry, S tillw a te r: L . P . S te rn e r; M r s .’ S . B . K arn s, B en ton : II. A . M ’K ilU p; M rs. I. R . VS^olfc, E s p y : D r. T . C . H arter, C harles E . R an dall, C ataw issa; Clinton H errin g, O ran geville; H . V . W hite, M rs. P.aul E . W irt, M rs. H . V . W 'hite; Jo h n W . E van s. B e r w ic k : M rs. Clinton H erring. O ran geville: J . Bruce H ess, Benton; J . II. .Aikman, Cabin R u n; R . W . Sm ith, M ifflin villc; M rs. E . H . Sloan, O ran geville; O . D. M cH en ry, S tillw a te r; S . B . K arn s, Benton; M rs. N ellie T . Vastine, C a ta w issa; L a ru e Funston C lark, Cataw issa. G eo ig e Parke, who w as engaged in the compilation and prep­ aration o f this history o f C olum bb .and M on­ tour counties, w as elected the first life corresfxmding memtier. T H E BI.OOMSnURG C E N TE N N IA I.

T h e f.act that Bloom sburg would reach the one Imndredth ann iversary o f its founding in 1902, with the suggestion that the occasion be properly observed by a celebration, was first mentioned in the issue o f T h e Colum bian o f Ja n . 2, 19 0 1. N o steps were then taken, but in A p ril. 1902. the subject w as again agitated