Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/169

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by the M crninp P ress ami the Bloomsburg Dcily. T his cuuninatcd in a public meeting at the courthouse on A pril i8th, held for the pur­ pose of ascertaining public sentiment in the matter. M ayor John R. 1‘ownsend presided* and the prospects were so encouraging that it w as decided to organize and arrange for a centennial celebration* to be held on August 27* aBand 2 0, 190a. A general executive committee was ap-

E . Elw'cll* L . N . M oyer, C. C . Peacock, A. Schoch, II. V . W hile, Paul E . W irt, W. H. Slate, W. O. Holmes* W, S. Rishton, R . K. Hartman* J . M . Siavcr, A. W. Duy* H. A, M cKillip. F. G. Y orks, Frank Ikeler. W. P. Meigs, J, G. Wells, F . P. Pursel, William Chn>man. F, J . Richard, J . L ee Harman, E . C. Caswell,' C. W . Miller* M. F . D. Scanlan. A meeting of the general coramittec was held on A pril 29, 1902* when the following permanent officers were elected: Chairman* John R . Tow nsend; secretary, George E . Elw c ll; treasurer, L . N. M o yer; vice presidents* A . Z. Schoch, Dr. J . P. Welsh. Committees on finance and program were appointed, and it was decided to nold a pubhc meeting in the courthouse on the evening o f M ay 9th, to which a special invitation was extended to the ladies. T his meeting was largely attended* the courtroom b(ing f i l l ^ to its capacity. Colonel Freeze presided, and remarks were made by him, and by Rev. M . E . McLinn* F . B . H art­ man* J . K . Miller, H, V . White* Rev. J . D. Smith and J . C . Brow n. A report was made by the program committee. Music w as fu r­ nished hy the Bloomsburg Band. It was an enthusiastic meeting, and from that time the success of the celebration was assured. T he finance committee soon canvassed the town, and subscriptions came in cheerfully and liberally. T he town was divided into districts and solicitors were appointed fo r each dis­ trict* with the result that nearly $2,700 was realized. T his sum w as subsequently increased in various ways, from the sale o f jirivilcges* from badges and souvenirs, from the Winona Minstrel show {$6 5 .9 3), Historical Museum ($220.24)* base Kail games ( $ 1 7 3 .to)* P. O. S. o f A . excursion, and in other ways* until the whole amount that came into the hands of the treasurer reached a total o f $3,586.83. A t a meeting o f (he executive committee held on Ju n e 5th it w as reported that the town council had granted the control o f all privileges on the streets to the committee. The

Columbia & Montour R ailw ay Company o f­ fered to donate ten per cent of their receipts for (WO days of the Centennial. The American Electric Light Company offered to furnish current for the illumination o f all the arches on the streets* and the Patriotic O rder Sons o f .America tendered one half of the profits of their annual excursion. A ll of these offers were accepted, and a vote of thanks extended to all for their liberality. T he committees w'crc appointed at this meeting, except those on finance and program which had been previou.sly selected. That all of these committees performed their duties in the most thorough and efficient man­ ner w as evidenced by the grand success of the Centennial in every particular. The general public had no conception of the vast amount o f detail work that was done by the active men and women who so unselfishly gave much of their time and labor in the preparation of the e*ent F o r more than two months C hair­ man Townsend gave his attention almost e x ­ clusively to it, and to his fine executive ability and good ji i d ^ e n t w as ascribed much o f (he credit for the successful outcome. The secre­ tary and others gave almost as much of their time, and from start to finish no one shirked any duty or responsibility that was assigned to him. T lie newspapers all gave valuable assistance in publicity. Tw enty meetings of the executive committee were held, all o f which were well attended and at which busi­ ness o f importance was transacted, so that when the appointed time arrived everything was in readiness. Among the many thoughtful arrangements w as a rest room in charge of the Civic club, fo r women and children* in the; a hospital in St. Pau l's parish house for emer­ gency cases o f sickness or accident; an ambu­ lance; a police patrol w agon; barrels o f ice water with drinking cups at numerous points on the streets; and a detective force from Pinkertoirs Detective Agency* at Philadelphia* to guard against pickpockets and other crooks. T h e Celebration And now the eventful day, to which all had been looking forw*ard for four months with pleasurable anticipation, arrived. T he town was lavishly dccoratc<]. T he entire length o f Main street in the business portion was a grat­ ifying exposition of the decorator’s art. Eve A’where throughout the town flags and bunting were in evidence, not only on the buildings, but also on the trees and i^ les. and