Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/643

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES o f commissioners o f Columbia county, be­ longs to a family which has been established here (or about a century, l i e w as bom in Montour township, Columbia county. A pril 1 1, 1858. son o f Evan W elliver, and is a grand­ son o f Samuel VNelliver, who founded the family in this section. Samuel W elliver was bom in New Jersey, and came to Columbia county at an early date. Settling at M ordansville, he lived and died there. H is widow, whose maiden name was M artha Jones, married for her second hus­ band. Samuel W olf. B y her marriage to Mr. W eiliver she had the following children: jo h n; E v a n; E li; D aniel; Mar>*, M rs. K ilu ss; Rebecca; Ellen, M rs. John G crn u n; avin a, M rs. High A lberton; and Margaret, Mrs. Theodore Smith! Evan W elliver w as bom Feb. 15, 1825, in (he western part o f Columbia county. He followed the trade o f shoemaker and was also engaged in teaming. On A pril 26, 1&49. he nurried M ary C . Guild, who was torn Feb. 28. 18 3 1, in Hemlock township, and died April I I, ( ^ 3 . surviving her husband, who had passed aw ay M arch 12 . 18 7 6; his death o c­ curred in ^fo^tour township. Columbia coun­ ty. T hey were buried at nioomshurg. Mr. and M rs. E van W elliver were the parents o f children as follow s: W illiam B . G ., John E., M ary E . (M rs. Jonathan P u rsel), Charles E.» Sarah M . (M rs. C. P. C urtin), A lice R . (M rs. William Christian), Katie M .. Evan D. and Elm er Wood. Charles E . W elliver attended puhtic school in Montour township, and l e a r n t telegraphy at Rupert, Columbia county, following (hat business for a sto rt time. TTien he engaged in the carpcntr)* and building business at Bloomsburg, at which he wa.s engaged for a |>criod o f twenty years. In 1 9 1 1 he w as elected to the office 01 county commissioner on the Democratic ticket, receiving a highly compli­ mentary vote—substantial testimony o f his wide acquaintance and popularity. He now devotes all his time to the duties o f hts re­ sponsible position, which calls for business .ihility and efficiency of the highest order. M r W elliver married on Ju n e 25, 1884, C lara E . Rabh. daughter o f William and Abigail Rabb. o f Bloomsburg. and they have had fuur children, nam ely: Pauline M.. who died in in fan cy: William E . : W alter E . : and Cliarlottc B. ^Ir. W elliver is a member of the Presb)icrian Church, and socially belongs to the IV O. S. o f A. at Danville. Pa., and to the United Americans und Knights o f Malta at Bloomsburg.



K E '. M O R R IS W A L T O N, father of .Mrs. R iley L . Kline, was a native o f Salem township, Luzcm c Co.. Pa., and o f Quaker stock, his grandfather, Joseph Walton, having b e e n a member of the Society o f Fricnds. The latter died Aug. 3. 18 5 1, aged seventy-live years, eight months, i ie cleared (he pro]ierty u]K>n which M orris Walton died. Enoch W alton, father o f Kcv. M orris W al­ ton, w as bom Nov. 29, 180$. in Salem town­ ship, I.uzerne county, and he lived and died there, owning and operating a farm o f 120 acres at Beach Grove. H e engaged in gen­ eral farm ing, and w as very prosperous, own­ ing live hundred acres, all in Luzerne county. H is death occurred N ov. 24. 1885. on the farm where he alw ays lived. H is tirst w ife. Juliann (L u n g e r), died Ja n . 29, 1834, and his second m arriage w as to Rachel Garrison, born March 22, 1 8 1 1, who died Aug. 17, 1887. Three chil­ dren were torn to the lirst union: Joseph, Feb. 14, 18 30; Anna, Jan. 2, 18 3 2; and Kllis, Sept. 15* 1833. B y the second there were five: M orris, to m Ju n e 9, 18 3 7; Alm ira. Aug. 17. 1 8 4 1; Rosanna, Nov. i, 1S43 (died Aug. 3, 1 8 5 1 ); M ary Jane. Ju ly 6, 1847 (died Ju ly 2 t, >850); George E ,. M ay 9, 1854. Ellis and George are the only survivors of the family. M orris W alton, to m lu n c o, 1837, followed fanning, living on his fa th e rs 120-acrc tract atovc Beach Haven, all o f which was cleared and under cultivation. H e continued to en­ gage in general agriculture until about twentynine years old. when he became a minister of the Evangelical .Association, preaching on the Columbia circuit. His w ife, Rosanna Caroline < K lin e), bom Oct. 4, 1836. a daughter of (ieorge and Sophia (M althaner) Kline, both o f whom were natives of Germany. Three children were to m to M r. and M rs. M orris W alton: Sarah .Alice, to m Dec. 3, i l : ^, Mrs. R iley L . K lin e; (Tharles N., to m M ay 8, 1863, who lives in Monroe. N. Y .; and H arry It., bom Ju ly 8, 1865. The father o f (his family died .Aug. 6, 1870. In the Garrison line Mrs. Riley Kline is descended from Matthias Garrison, who served in the Kevolutionar)* w ar from New* Jersey. He lived in Am well township. Hunter­ don Co., N . J ., later in Sussex county and Knowhon, W arren county, same State, where he died. By occupation he a farmer. His w ife, Itlizahclh (F o rtn er), to m Ju ly 13. 1744, died Ju ly 13, 1823, aged eighty-one years, and is buried at Mifflinville. f^a. Their children w ere: M ary, w ife o f Emanuel K irkendall: Jacob, who married .Annie Seeley; Joseph, who married M rs. .Annie (S cclcy) G arrison: