Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/45

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Garrison Orders.

A garrison court martial will sit to-morrow morning-, at eleven o'clock, for the trial of such prisoners as may l)e brought before it.

1st Lieut. Sladden, President; 1st Lieut. Johnson, 2nd Lieut. Lord, Members.

The prisoners to be acquainted, and the evidences warned to attend.

The detail of duty and inspection of arms and necessaries.

Sullivan Bay, 31st Oct. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Watson.C. Sign—Brooks.

Garrison Orders.

The sentence of the court martial held this day to be put in execution to-morrow morning at seven o'clock.

Detail for duty.

Sullivan Bay, 1st Nov. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Receipt.C. Sign—Issue.

Garrison Orders.

The Commanding Officer is obliged to direct that in future the allowance of spirits shall be mixed with three waters, and issued twice a day to the detachment. The officer of the day will taste it when mixed. The quartermaster will continue to receive the allowance daily from the Commissar}-, but he will take it into his charge, and see that it is mixed agreeable to the above order at the marine store tent. One sergeant and ten privates will be landed this afternoon from His Majesty's ship Calcutta for the duty of this garrison. The quarter master will give them directions which tents they are to occupy.

Detail for duty.

Sullivan Bay, 2nd Nov. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Chatham.C. Sign—Pitt.

The Lt.-Governor directs that in future there shall not be suffered any lights in that part of the encampment occupied by the convicts after nine o'clock at night. He likewise directs the superintendents, overseers, and others, in whom a trust is placed, to use their utmost endeavors to detect the practice of gambling, which, he understands, exists among the convicts, a crime, so big in itself with their certain ruin, it is his duty to prevent by every means in his power; and if his positively forbidding them to gamble is not sufficient, he will most certainly punish every man that has been guilty of it in opposition to his order.