Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/46

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Garrison Orders.

The quarter guard will consist in future of one sergt., one corpl., and eighteen privates, and a picquet of three privates, will mount every evening at retreat heating until further orders. When any of the detachment is confined in the quarter guard the quartermaster is not to issue the allowance of spirits to prisoners while confined but reserve it at the disposal of the commanding officer.

A garrison court-martial will sit to-morrow morning at eleven o'clock, at the marine mess room, for the trial of such prisoners as may be brought before it. 1st Lieut. Sladden, president; 2nd Lieut. Menzies, 2nd Lieut. Lord, members. The prisoners to be acquainted and the evidences to attend.

Detail for duty.

Sullivan Bay, 3rd Nov. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Townshend.C. Sign—Sydney.

The Commissary will, on Saturday next, serve to each male convict one wooden bowl, one platter, and one spoon. As they cannot but be sensible that Government has done everything that can make their situation comfortable, the Lt.-Governor trusts they v/ill take the greatest care of what is issued to them from time to time for that purpose.

Garrison Orders.

A written crime [sheet], signed with the name and rank of the officer giving it in, is in future always to be sent with the prisoner ordered into confinement. The sergt. of the guard will insert in his report the arrival and departure of whatever boat shall come to the landing or other place in this bay after sunset. The court-martial which sat this morning is dissolved. The proceedings will be read this evening at retreat beating.

Detail for duty.

Sullivan Bay, 4 Nov. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Ocean.C. Sign—Clear.

Garrison Orders.

Detail for duly only.

Sullivan Bay, 5 Nov. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Collins.C. Sign—Success.

Divine service being to be performed to-morrow morning at eleven o'clock, the convicts will attend at that hour. The overseers will muster them and see that they are decently dressed. Provisions will be issued in future twice a week, viz.:—Tuesdays and Saturdays.