Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/62

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Sullivan Bay, 23rd Dec. 1803.

General Orders.
Parole—Calais. C. Sign—Cairo.

Garrison Orders.

Detail for duty only.

Sullivan Bay, 24th Dec. 1803.

General Orders.
Parole—Humphery. C. Sign—Collins.

Garrison Orders.

The detachment will parade to-morrow at the usual hour to attend Divine service. Detail for duty.

Sullivan Bay, 25th Dec. 1803.

General Orders.
Parole—Canary. C. Sign—Cambridge.

Garrison Orders.

A review of arms and necessaries to-morrow morning as usual. For the duty of the ensuing week 1st Lieut. Johnson. A garrison court-martial will assemble to-morrow morning at eleven o'clock, at the mess-room, for the trial of such prisoners as may be brought before it.

1st Lieut. Sladden, president; 1st Lieut. Johnson, 2nd Lieut. Lord, members.

The prisoners to be acquainted and evidences warned to attend. Detail for duty.

Sullivan Bay, 26th Dec. 1803.

General Orders.
Parole—Cape of Good Hope. C. Sign—Cape Horn.

A daring robbery having been committed on Sunday morning in the Commissary's tent, and the sick having been at the same time meanly plundered of their provisions in their tents by some person or persons at present unknown, the Lieut.-Governor calls upon all the well-disposed persons in the settlement to aid and assist in bringing the offender or offenders to justice; and he is hereby pleased to promise to procure from His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief a conditional pardon for any prisoner who shall bring forward and prosecute to conviction any person or persons who have been guilty of these outrages. The Lieut.-Governor, in the most positive manner, forbids the prisoners from