Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/63

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EAELY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. 55 going to the sea shore after crayfish between sunset and sunrise ; and as they will in future be regularly mustered during the night, any person found absent from his tent will be severely punished, unless he can satisfactorily account for such offence. The following persons are established as a night watch and patrol until further orders. They will apprehend and lodge in the quarter-guard all such suspicious persons whom they may meet between the above-mentioned hours ; the principal of the watch reporting in the morning his proceedings during the night to the Revd. Mr. Knopwood :— Wm. Thomas Stocker, Prmcipal ; John Sculler, Patk. McCarty, James Taylor, John Flinders. It is recommended to the prisoners to be careful in securing their provisions from depredation during the night, as no loss so occasioned can in future be made good from the stores. The surgeon will furnish a return of the expenditure of medicines and hospital stores and of the actual number of persons who have been under medical treatment from the day of our landing to the 31st instant, both inclusive. The Commissary will also make a return of the quantity of provisions and clothing issued by him within the above period. Garrison Orders. The persons of those who are appointed as a watch durino- night by the General Orders of this day being well known to the sentinels they will, on challenging them and being answered " Night watch," not de- mand the countersign, but let them pass on, being satisfied that they are the persons so appointed, and the sentinel and guard will at all times give them such assistance as they may require for the apprehen- sion of offenders. The sentence of the Court Martial held this day will be put in execution to-morrow morning at six o'clock. Detail for duty. Sullivan Bay, 27th Dec. 1803. General Orders. Parole — Vigilance. C. Sign — Attention. The indulgence which was granted to certain convicts of erecting and residing in huts without the encampment having been abused, the Lieut.-Governor is under the necessity of directing their being pulled down, and the owners thereof immediately classed to tents. The Com- missary will issue the provisions to iQ prisoners (such persons only excepted as the Lieut.-Governor may point out) daily until further orders ; the serving hour to be at seven o'clock in the evening, when the people leave off work. This measure is adopted to prevent their being robbed at any time of a quantity of provisions, of which they would feel the loss. Garrison Orders. The quartermaster will give in a return the 31st of this mouth of all stores received by him from the Commissary for the use of the de- tachment ; the return will specify the expenditure, receipt, and remains. A Garrison Court Martial will assemble to-morrow, at eleven in the forenoon, at the mess room for the trial of such prisoners as may be