Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 1.djvu/18

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List of Illustrations. xi FIG. PAGE 65. Subterranean water-course. Plan 240 66. Vase found with human ashes in it 249 67. Map of Argolis 255 68. Gulf and plain of Aigolis 256 69. Tiryns. Side-view of hill 257 fo. General plan of Tirynthian acropolis 261 1. Wall. Tiryns 264 2. Western citadel wall 265 3. Section of eastern wall 267 ^4. Cross-section of south wall 268 S' Longitudinal section of south wall 268 '6. Plan of eastern wall. Tiryns 269 7. Entrance to gallery at the south-east angle of circuit-wall 270 '8. View of gallery of east wall 271 g. Cross-section through salience of south wall 272 80. Staircase seen from top of salience of south wall 273 81. Pit-offering. Plan 278 82. Transverse section of pit-offering 278 83. Megaron. Restoration of plan 279 84. Anta of vestibule of megaron 281 85. Ornament seen on pavement 283 86. Bath-room. Plan and cross-section 284 87. Earthenware pipe of conduit 285 88. Map of the Mycenae territory 295 89. View of acropolis. Mycense 299 90. Map of acropolis. Mycense 303 91. Area of the four acropoles 305 92. Circuit-wall. Mycenae 305 93. Wall. Mycenae 305 94. Wall. Mycenae 306 95. Entrance to passage in north wall 306 96. Acropolis. Mycenae. North gate 307 97. North gate. Elevation 307 98. Section of north gate 308 99. Lions Gate. Perspective view 309 100. Slabs of precinct 312 1 01. View of slabKiircle. Present state 313 102. Plan of altar and grave underneath it 316 103. Altar. Perspective view 316 104. Section of altar and grave 317 105. Section down to rock of the area enclosed by slab-circle 318 106. Human bone wrapped in gold strip 321 107. Bodies found in Tomb II 322 108. Gold pectoral 323 109. Tomb restored 326 no. Bronze casing 328 111. Model of gold temple 329 112. Gold plate 33° 113. Gold rings 333