Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 1.djvu/19

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xii List of Illustrations. FIG. PAGE 14. Mycenae. Plan of structures facing south wall 336 15. Profile of citadel rock 338 16. Plan of palace. Mycenae 339 17. A house at Argos 345 18. Domed-tomb next to the Lions Gate. Viewoffa^de 353 19. Small domed-tomb 356 20. Treasury of Atreus, before the excavations 357 21. Treasury of Atreus. Present state. Viewoffa9ade 361 22. 123, 124. Rock-excavated tomb. Plan and sections 363 25,126. Rock-excavated tomb. Plan and cross-section 364 27. Rock-excavated tomb. Plan 365 28. Rock-excavated tomb. Plan 365 29. Cyclopaean bridge 367 30. Domed-tomb. Heraeum. Plan 383 31. Cupola-tomb. Heraeum. Cross-section 384 32. 133. Plan and section of tomb at Nauplia 386 34. Plan of tomb at Nauplia 387 35> 136, 137. Sections of tomb at Nauplia 388 38. Map of environs of Vaphio 391 39. View of mound. Vaphio 392 40. Plan of tomb. Vaphio 393 41. Longitudinal section. Vaphio 393 42. Spata. Perspective view of entrance to the graves 397 43. Plan of tombs. Spata 398 44. Section of principal tomb. Spata 399 45. Menidi. Doorway of tomb. Outside view 400 46. Inside view of doorn^ay of tomb. Menidi 401 47. Eleusis. Plan and section of tomb 403 48. Athens. Map of acropolis 409 49. Pelasgic wall of acropolis 411 50. Plan of the Klepsydra spring 412 51. Sustaining wall and flight of steps 413 52. Traces left on the rock by primitive houses. Athens 414 53. View of double esplanade known under the name of Pnix 415 54. Plan of double esplanade 416 55. View of stone die at the point of intersection of the twin esplanades . . 417 56. A dyke of Lake Copai's 420 57. Plan of Orchomenos 421 58. Plan of tomb. Orchomenos 423 59. Present state of the tomb. Orchomenos. Inner view 424 60. The Orchomenos tomb. Inner view of main doorway 425 61. Doorway to second chamber. View taken from the circular building . 426 62. Cross section of second chamber 427 63. Second chamber and passage. Longitudinal section 428 64. Crete. Plan of tomb at Massara 434 65. Longitudinal section 435 66. Stirrup-handled vase 435 67. Sepulchral vat of terra-cotta 436 68. Section of tomb. Milato 437