Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/267

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attendance except Pio Pico. I append a résumé of proceedings at the successive sessions, as compact as it can be intelligibly made.[1] The president opened

  1. Sessions of the diputacion territorial of Cal. in 1834. Recorded in Legislative Records, MS., ii. May 1st, the oath was administered by the president; the members took their seats; and Figueroa delivered an address. Committees appointed: ways and means, J. A. Carrillo, Haro, and Estudillo; government and police, C. A. Carrillo, Pico, and Ortega; public works, Haro, J. A. Carrillo, and Castro; public instruction, C. A. Carrillo, J. A. Carrillo, and Estudillo; industry and agriculture, Ortega, Pico, and Castro; statistics, J. A. Carrillo, Haro, and Pico; colonization, Ortega, Castro, and Estudillo; vacant lands, C. A. Carrillo, Pico, and Ortega; municipal regulations, J. A. Carrillo, C. A. Carrillo, and Haro; roads and highways, Ortega, Castro, and Estudillo. Adjourned to 10 A. M. of next day. Alvarado, sec. Secret session. Information from Mex. that the European cabinets had agreed to make the Infante D. Francisco de Paula emperor of Mexico, with recommendations of zeal and vigilance. Passed to committee on govt. (p. 34-50.) May 2d, 6 despatches from the gov., of this and the past year, some enclosing orders from Mex. on secularization, duty on otter-skins, municipal regulations of Monterey, and furnishing of a hall for meetings, referred to com, On motion of Figueroa, the formation of regulations for proceedings of the dip. was made a subject of preference, and meanwhile Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday were to be the days of meeting. J. A. Carrillo moved to fully organize the ayuntamiento of Sta Bárbara, and was told by the president to put his proposition in due form and let it take its course. (p. 51-4.) May 3d, 25 expedientes on land grants submitted for approval and referred to com. A letter of C. A. Carrillo, dated in Mex. 1831, was read asking the dip. to petition the govt for schools, and organic law, and the separation of the commands. Carrillo spoke on what he had accomplished in Mex., and the 1st and 2d points were referred. Communication from the ayunt. on expense of a road. Resignation of secretary offered on account of illness. Proposed that sessions begin at 10 A. M. and last 3 hours. Prop. that the comandante of Sta B. be deprived of judicial powers, and that 2 regidores be added to the ayunt., the place having 940 inhabitants — to be read three times. May 6th, petition of S. Diego for an ayuntamiento. Public buildings for Monterey. Prop. to have the mission lands surveyed, and to require inventories of mission property. May 10th, minor municipal matters of Monterey and Branciforte. Prop. to fix bounds of S. F. mission. Hours of meeting not settled. The Monterey road must be 'paralyzed' for the present for want of funds; casas consistoriales and jails should have the preference — so reports the com. Report in favor of accepting Alvarado's resignation. Also in favor of asking Mex. for $2,500 per year for schools, and for an organic law. Many land grants approved by the com. 2d reading of various propositions. (p. 55-68.) May 13th, foreign lumbermen. Artillery militia. Days fixed for discussion of certain matters. Haro's proposition to survey mission lands discussed and defeated. May 15th, Mex. secularization law of Aug. 17, 1833, referred to com. on missions(?). Regulation of weights and measures, also of brands, considered. Funds of Branciforte. Many minor measures postponed as belonging to general subjects to be treated as a whole. Further discussion on the Monterey calzada. Ortega complained of the imperfections of municipal govt and proposed the early formation of ordenanzas for the ayunt. Carrillo and Castro appointed to visit prisons. (p. 68-79.) May 17th, many land grants submitted, and approved. Sec. Alvarado agrees to serve a month longer. May 20th, petition for fixing mission boundaries sent back to await the arrival of Híjar, who was coming with a special commission to regulate secularization, (p. 80-6.) May 22d, duties of foreigners as citizens. Land grants. More discussion on mission bounds. Report on the Monterey calzada. Mission inventories. Proposition to assign lands and to stop the slaughter of mission