Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/268

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the sessions with an address, in which he reviewed the condition of the country, and the character of the legislation needed. In high-flown language the speaker predicted great prosperity, now that Spanish tyranny was a thing of the past, and the diputacion was at

    cattle. (p. 86-93.) Figueroa absent on account of illness. May 24th, report of com. on missions on law of secularization. The national govt to be asked for instructions. May 20th, secret session called to consider the reports of a conspiracy formed by P. Duran and Capt. Guerra. José María Maldonado, sec. (p. 2-10.) May 27th, ayunt. of Sta B. Dip. declines to call in suplente Estrada to take Pico's place. (p. 93-6.) May 30th, unimportant. Figueroa very busy in preparing correspondence for Mex. by the Dorotea. June 3d, further discussion on secularization as per prop. of May 24. (p. 97-103.) June 12th, convicts. Pico's absence excused, as he was ill. Minor communications answered. Petitions of individuals asking privileges or redress of grievances. Land grants. Mission lands again, and slaughter of cattle. (p. 104-12.) June 16th, municipal funds. Land grants. Resignation of Alvarado again postponed. June 17th, foreign citizens. Wild stock. First reading of report on municipal and legislative regulations. June 19th, land grants. First reading of several reports on topics already mentioned. (p. 113-21.) June 21st, Branciforte affairs. Land grants. Discussion on live-stock regulations. Discussion on reglamento postponed until the absent members should arrive. (p. 121-9.) June 26th, much unfinished business. Sec. Alvarado again, it not being quite clear what he wanted, but he was 'exonerated' from his place. His accounts and his position as contador were in some way involved. Long discussion on some articles of a reglamento for legislative proceedings. (p. 129-37.) June 28th, land grants. Discussion of various matters relating to municipal govt. (p. 138-41.) July 1st, Maldonado elected sec. in Alvarado's place, and sworn in. Land grants. Munic. govt continued. July 3d, land grants. Munic. govt. Com. on ways and means instructed to hurry, as the dip. lacks funds. (p. 142-6.) July 5th, 8th, land grants. A moderate slaughter of mission cattle allowed. (p. 146-8.) Secret session of July 8th to consider charges of malversacion of mission property against P. Ánzar. (p. 10-11.) July 10th, slaughter of mission cattle at S. Luis Rey. Land grants. Minor reports read and days set for discussion. Long discussion of reports on munic. revenues. (p. 149-63.) July 12th-15th, 19th, 22d, some land grants and unimportant matters. (p. 161-5.) On July 19th there was a secret (?) session, at which a prop. relating to administrators of missions was considered; and on July 22d, when the same subject was continued. (p. 11-13.) July 24th, munic. regul. and revenues. (p. 165-7.) July 26th, discussion on lands (not given). July 29th, articles 8-53, titles 3-6, of a reglamento for the dip. discussed and approved. (p. 168-80.) July 30th, land grants. Liquor tax. Completion of the reglamento. Tit. 8-14, art. 54-74. (p. 181-8.) July 31st, unimportant. Extra sessions on administrators of missions, July 29th; on provisional regulation for secularization, July 30th, 31st. 23 articles approved. (p. 13-28.) Aug. 1st, 2d, land grants and prop. to form an ayunt. for S. Diego and one for Sta B., increasing that of Los Angeles. (p. 189, 28.) Oct. 17th-18th, extra session to consider Híjar's claims as gefe político and director of colonization. (p. 190-6.) Pico sworn in. Oct. 22d, secret session on the same subject. Report of com. 13 articles approved. (P. 29-34.) Oct. 23d, 25th, 28th, 30th, 31st, minor local matters. Few details. (p. 196-9.) Nov. 3d, discussion and approval on first reading on account of approaching end of the sessions, of several prop. relating to the colony and to secularization. Extra session in evening, action on preservation of timber. Members authorized to retire to their homes. (p. 199-212.) The sessions of May 1st-20th are also recorded in Dept. St. Pap., Ben., MS., ii. 45-96.