Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/630

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one time or another on account of Indian depredations. The inhabitants of the town still pastured their cattle and raised crops, as they had done before, on lands regarded as common. The cultivated fields were chiefly in Soledad Valley, where the cultivators built enramadas for temporary residence. They claimed no property in the land, but he who tilled a field one year acquired a respected right to do so the next. The town lots had been at first assigned by the military commandant; and the first written title from the alcalde is said to have been that given to Tomasa Alvarado in 1838.

Events at San Diego during this decade, as in most others, were neither numerous, important, nor

    owned by M. I. Lopez in 1836. Not before the L. C. *Melyo, granted in 1833 to Santiago E. Argüello, who was the claimant before L. C. Nacion, not yet granted to private ownership. J. A. Estudillo in charge 1836. Otay, granted in 1829 to José A. Estudillo, whose heirs, Victoria Dominguez et al., were claimants before L. C. Sant. E. Argüello in charge 1836. Paguai, granted Sept. 7, 1839, and confirmed May 22, 1840, to Rosario Aguilar, but refused by the grantee. Hayes' Em. Notes, 488. Peñasquitos, granted in 1823 and again in 1834 to F. M. Ruiz and F. M. Alvarado, the latter being owner and occupant in 1836 and later claimant before L. C. Rosario, mentioned in 1828; in charge of Manuel Machado 1836; not before the L. C. under this name. San Antonio Abad, mentioned in 1828; Sant. E. Argüello in charge 1836; not before the L. C. San Dieguito, granted provisionally to Silva family 1831. Dept. Rec., MS., ix. 97. Granted in part, 1840 or 1841, to Juan M. Osuna, who is named as owner in 1836, and whose heir was claimant before L. C. San Isidro, mentioned in 1828; owned and occupied by José Lopez in 1836; not before the L. C. Secuan, Juan Lopez 'solicitante' in 1836; not before L. C.; probably in Lower Cal. *Soledad, regarded as a part of the town commons and formally made such in 1839. Granted by Gov. Carrillo in 1838 to Fran. M. Alvarado; claimant before L. C. Cave J. Coutts. San José del Valle, granted in 1836 to Silvestre de la Portilla, who was also the claimant before L. C. In charge of Francisco Villa 1836. *Temascal, occupied by Leandro Serrano in 1828 and owned by him in 1836. Granted by Gov. Echeandía, no date given. Claimants, Josefa Montalva et al. *Temécula, granted to J. A. Estudillo in 1835; claimants before L. C., V. D. Estudillo et al. Granted provisionally to Andrés and Pio Pico, June 2, 1840. St. Pap. Miss., MS., x. 4. Tecate, owned and occupied by Juan Bandini in 1836. Not before L. C. (Bandini was driven out by Indians, and in 1838 obtained a grant of Jurupa farther north.) Tia Juana, on the frontier, granted to Santiago Argüello in 1829. Abandoned for a time on account of Ind. raids. Vallecitos, granted to José M. Alvarado in 1840; L. Soto claimant before L. C.

    Feb. 5, 1835, Com. Argüello turns over to alcalde papers relating to applications of soldiers for lands, as being no longer within his powers. S. D. Arch., MS., Jan. 12, 1835. Joaq. Carrillo petitions the alcalde for a grant of the mission lands, since S. D. is no longer a presidio, but a pueblo. Id., 32. Information on the general subject of lands and town lots. Hayes' Em. Notes, 480.