Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/631

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exciting. A chronological summary is appended, consisting of references to items of political and military affairs as given in other chapters, interspersed with such other petty happenings as seem worthy of brief notice.[1] This little community was intensely patri-

  1. Chronological summary of S. Diego events, 1831. Revolt against Gov. Victoria, Nov.-Dec. See p. 200-4, 210, this vol. Arrival of Jackson's trading party from Sta Fé in Nov. Id., 387.

    1832. Meetings of officials and of the diputacion, March-May, and position of the Dieguinos in the struggle against Zainorano and the plan of Monterey. Id., 225-9.

    1833. Departure of Ex-gov. Echeandía in May, Id., 244. Petition of the inhab. for an ayuntamiento. Id., 249. Visit of Gov. Figueroa, July. Id., 247. Fears of an attack from the Indians, neophytes, and gentiles combined, with rumors of political designs. Ringleaders arrested. Id., 358-9. Bandini in congress tries to have the post of S. Diego opened to foreign trade. Id., 369. March 26th, a soldier under arrest was forcibly released by a corporal and 7 privates, all belonging to the L. Cal. forces. Dept. St. Pap., B. M., MS, lxxix. 9. Nov, 12th, a fall of meteors alarmed the people, and sent them in haste to the church. It also broke up an interesting game of monte. Ezquer, Mem., MS., 3.

    1834. Arrival of the Natalia, Sept., with part of the Híjar and Padrés colony. p. 267 of this vol. Bandini as inspector of customs, and his smuggling operations. Id., p. 371. Nov., according to the reglamento, S. Diego and S. Dieguito formed a parish of the 1st class, salary $1,500. Id., 347-8. Nov.-Dec., robberies by Indians of frequent occurrence. The com. gen. will 'take steps,' but meanwhile Capt. Portilla is to make a salida asking the alcalde for volunteers. Hayes' Miss. Book, 221, 224-5. Dec. 18th, 21st, election of an ayuntamiento for the next year, as recorded elsewhere in this chap.

    1835. First ayunt. in session attending to municipal affairs. S. Diego in behalf of Estudillo opposes Castro as gefe político. This vol., 299-300. Visit of R. H. Dana. Two Years before the Mast. Feb. 11th, Gov. Figueroa writes to alcalde about a school, for which it seems the people had offered to pay. Hayes' Doc., MS., 17. Feb. 4th, effort to organize an expedition against the Cahuillas who are threatening Sta Isabel. Id., 37. Large force of gentiles said to be threatening S. Luis Rey. Arms to be collected and funds raised by contribution. Los Ang. Arch., MS., iv. 150-1. April, examination of Ind. accused of having plotted to seize Gov. Figueroa at S. Luis. This vol., 361.

    1836. Vague rumors of revolutionary troubles. Bandini's plan for a general assembly to save the country, and assurances of S. Diegan loyalty. This vol., 419-20. May 29th, oath of allegiance to the new Mex. constitution. Id., 423. Oet. 9th, 16th, primary and secondary election. Andrés Pico sent to Monterey as partido elector. Id., 446. S. Diego to be a part of the 2d or southern district, that of Los Angeles, according to Alvarado's plan. Id., 475. News of Alvarado's revolution or the plan of Monterey; S. Diego loyal to Mexico; acts of the ayunt., the people, and of Bandini in Nov. Dec. Id., 481-5. The existence of hidden treasure at the ruined missions on the Colorado was reported by Indians; or at least their stories about certain coins in their possession gave rise to a belief in such treasure. The foreigners Thos Russell and Peter Weldon were leading spirits in the matter; the alcalde was an interested party; and Receptor Cabello made a formal demand for the treasure in behalf of the national treasury! A party actually went to make the search, finding nothing; and the matter was investigated by the ayuntamiento, Russell and Weldon being arrested. This matter furnished a subject for comment from Feb. to July. S. D. Arch., MS., 95-6, 108, 114;