Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/649

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preceding chapters of this volume. There are interspersed, however, various other matters of considerable local interest, most of which, like the political de-

    rías in the mountains were in arms to repel invasion by more distant tribes. Nov. 22d, American residents protest against being obliged to do military service except in case of invasion or other great emergency. One of their number has been put in jail for refusal to serve. Dept. St. Pap. Ang., MS., i. 154-6.

    1835. March, Apalátegui and Torres revolt against Figueroa in the supposed interest of Híjar and Padrés. This vol., p. 281-6. Charges against Abel Stearns as a smuggler. Id., 375. Angeles made a city and capital by Mex. decree of May 23d, news not received till late in the year. Id., 292, 416. In Sept. Wm Day bought a barrel of wine of Abel Stearns, and finding it sour wished the seller to take it back. Stearns refused, and a quarrel ensued, during which S. attacked D. with a stick, and was in turn stabbed in four places, one cut nearly severing his tongue. Day was arrested and kept in jail for a year, while complicated and intermittent legal proceedings were carried on against him. Day was not only put in jail but handcuffed, and certain Mexicans under Manuel Arzaga broke into the jail and removed his irons, for which they are said to have been banished. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., MS., v. 67-74, 93-156; Botello, Anales del Sur, MS., 6-14.

    1836. Jan. 4th, publication of the decree making Angeles the capital, lack of zeal in furnishing public buildings. This vol., p. 416-17. Jan. 28th, drunken Ind, to be arrested and put to work on the city water-works. Los Ang. Ayunt. Rec., MS., 70. March-April, murder of Domingo Félix, and the resulting vigilance committee. This vol., p. 417-19. June, oath to the bases constitucionales. Id., 423, 432. April-June, Gov. Chico's visit and troubles connected with his investigation of the vigilance committee. Id., 430-2. Sept., troops at S. Gabriel decline to serve longer without clothing. Dept. St. Pap., B. M., MS., lxxxi. 23-4. Nov.-Dec., news of Alvarado's revolution, meetings of ayunt. and citizens, patriotic plans against the plan of Monterey. This vol., p. 481-4. Dec., Angeles with S. Diego and Sta B. to form a district according to Alvarado's plan, not carried out. Id., 475.

    1837. Jan., new plan against revolution; correspondence of leading men; seizure of the mission funds; hostile preparations; campaign of S. Fernando; treaties and protests; Alvarado and Castro at Angeles; peace and congratulations. Id., 484-503. Arrest of 9 or 10 Angelinos by Castro. Id., 504. April-May, the city again asserts its opposition to the new govt, but finally deems it best to submit. Id., 507-9. May-June, a new pronunciamiento; S. Diego plan; Bandini captures the town; Portilla advances in warlike array, but Castillo arrives with the new constitution, and Alvarado ends the war by submitting to Mexico. Id., 518-21, 526 et seq. Oct.-Nov., news of Cárlos Carrillo's appointment as gov., and great joy of the Angelinos. Id., 534-8. Dec., Don Cárlos sworn in before the ayuntamiento. Id., 539-40.

    1838. Jan.-Feb., Carrillo at Angeles as the capital. Id., 545 et seq. March, a military force sent north only to be defeated; several prominent citizens made prisoners of war. Id., 549 et seq. April, Castro again in possession of the town, but many citizens escape to the south, Id., 556. May, Carrillo returns with Alvarado after the unsuccessful campaign of Las Flores; revolt of citizens in favor of Alvarado; ayunt. and citizens decide against Carrillo; but after further plots Carrillo and other prominent citizens are sent to the north as prisoners, all is peace again, and Alvarado is entertained by the Angelinos. Id., 564-9. About this year, according to Botello, Janssens, and Mrs Ord, Ignacio Coronel, aided by his daughter and wife, opened a primary school in town.

    1839. Jan., the quota of Los Angeles in the call for recruits for the army is 40 men, This vol., p. 583. May, tumult of the flag, or troubles of Pre-