Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/650

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velopments alluded to, have received elsewhere all the attention they merit. Such matters were the meetings of the diputacion in 1831-2; the depredations of New Mexican 'traders' in 1833; Indian hostilities involving the destruction of San Bernardino in 1834; the Apalátegui revolt, wounding of Abel Stearns, and the promotion of Angeles to be a city and capital in 1835; vigilance committee's operations in 1836; the prefect's troubles and flag tumult of 1839; arrest of foreigners, acts of the Chaguanosos, Stearns' contraband operations, and the Carrillo conspiracy in 1840.

Both town and district must be regarded as reasonably prosperous during the decade. The population in 1830 has been given as 1,160, or 770 for the town, and 390 at the ranchos and missions. The chief authorities for the following period are a padron of 1836 and a voting list of 1839, as given with a few other details in a note.[1] While the statistical basis is not entirely

    fect Cosme Peña. Id., 588-9. Sept., news of Alvarado's confirmation in Mexico as governor of Cal.; popular rejoicing at Los Angeles. Id., 594-5. June 5th, precautions ordered against the small-pox. Dept. St. Pap., Ang., MS., v. 21-2, 25. Aug. 16th, 21 citizens send a petition to the ayunt. on the state of the town cemetery, which has been used since 1822, and is totally inadequate to present needs, endangering the health of the community. They ask that a suitable site for a new burial place be selected, and that the ayunt. and priest consider the matter of removing all remains from the old campo santo. The ayunt. referred the matter to a committee, and approved its report in Oct. in favor of a new cemetery to be established at the cost of the petitioners with coöperation of other citizens. Coronel, Doc., MS., 92-4. But nothing was accomplished for 5 years.

    1840. April, arrest of some 14 foreign residents, who were sent to S. Blas with Graham and his companions. Vol. iv., p. 14. May-June, pursuit of the Chaguanosos and N. Mexican horse-thieves. Id., 77. Oct., more of Stearns' smuggling operations. Id., 95. Conspiracy of José Antonio Carrillo, who was carried to Monterey as a prisoner, an affair which caused much correspondence with but little foundation. This vol., p. 606-7.

  1. Population of Los Angeles: 1833, John Forster thinks there were about 200 families in the town. Bancroft's Pers. Obs., MS., 90. 1834, 21 Americans sign a petition. Dept. St. Pap., Ang., i. 156. 1836, padron of Angeles jurisdiction showing of gente de razon, 603 men, 421 women, and 631 children; total, 1,675; Indians, 553. Los Ang., Ayunt. Rec., 13. List of 358 men available for the protection of the city, including 8 at S. José, 4 at Alamitos, 3 at Lugo's, 17 at Sta Ana, 5 at Las Bolsas, 5 at S. Antonio, 48 at Sta Gertrudis, 21 at S. Gabriel, and a few at other ranchos. Id., 5. The census of 1836 is also mentioned as above in Los Ang. Co. Hist., 33-4, and the names of foreigners, 40 in number, are given; also in Los Ang. Arch., i. 121-4. 1837, from the padron of the preceding year 274 (or 264) men were selected as fit for military service. Id., i. 137; iv. 279. 1838, names of about 90 citizens in petitions, etc. Id., v. 8-23. 1839, original list of voters, with