Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/657

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In February 1839, in accordance with a Mexican law of 1836, Governor Alvarado divided Upper California into two districts and appointed Cosme Peña prefect of the second, or Los Angeles district, Santa Bárbara being a partido under a sub-prefect. The licenciado Cosme Peña was appointed prefect and took possession of the office on April 11th, promising great things in his installation speech; but he soon became involved in troubles with the people, not being either personally or politically popular, and after the flag tumult recorded elsewhere, on May 25th under the pretext of illness he turned over the office

    on feast days. Id., Ang., MS., v. 9, 65-6; S. D. Arch., MS., 224. Aug., 5 prisoners escape from jail. Alcalde complains that citizens refuse to do guard duty. Los Ang. Arch., MS., i. 167-8. A soldier at S. Luis claimed by alcalde for criminal trial. Com. J. A. Pico declines to give him up; but is ordered by Vallejo to do so if the crime was committed before enlistment. Vallejo, Doc., MS., viii. 53. Nov., alcalde fined by prefect $20 for permitting card-playing in a tavern on Sunday. Dept. St. Pap., Ang., MS., v. 102-3. Dec., Joaquin Ruiz on trial for being ringleader in an attempt to release Ant. Ávila from prison. The fiscal, in consideration of R.'s talent and poverty, and his father's large family, and intemperance, recommends a penalty of only 2 years presidio. Id., Ben., v. 382-3.

    1840. A horse-race between animals owned by Andrés Pico and Fernando Sepúlveda, a minor, led to a dispute and a suit against S. for the stakes, which Francisco Sepúlveda, Fernando's father, was forced to pay by alcalde Lugo. The matter was sent to the gov., who on the advice of the judge of the 1st district decided that Lugo must pay back the stakes, and be suspended until he should do so, but retaining the right to sue for a recovery from the parties to whom they had been paid. Lugo replied in a long and somewhat skilful defence, refusing to be suspended except by the junta after legal proceedings or to pay the stakes. He claimed that the gov. and Mont. judge had argued as partisan attorneys and not as judges; that they had made many blunders; that the affair was none of their business, but belonged to the superior tribunal, and if there was no such body it was their fault. He says that the elder Sepúlveda was present at the race, and had in other races paid his son's losses without objection. The final decision is not given. S. Diego Arch., MS., 265. Very few public women at Angeles this period. Arnaz, Recuerdos, MS., 14-15. Jan.-March, bandos with police regulations in 14 art. Dept. St. Pap., Ang., MS., iv. 2, 43-6. March, many Angeles prisoners confined at Sta B., claim for $20 a month for their support. Id., 50. May, three prisoners allowed to serve in an exped. against horse-thieves under bonds. Id., 109. June, edict to prevent careless management of the salt works. Id., 112-13. A woman exiled for pursuing an innocent Irishman, Jas Boxe, and keeping him from his wife. Los Ang. Arch., MS., i. 191-5. July, 22 prisoners; 10 cattle-thieves, 3 homicides, 6 thieves, 2 assassins, 1 charged with rape. 4 were sent to Sta B., 4 kept in jail, and the rest released on bail for want of room and food. Dept. St. Pap., MS., xviii. 24. Aug., prefect orders that Ant. Valenzuela must not molest Domingo Romero, accused of incest, which will be investigated by the prefectura. Los Ang. Ayunt. Rec., MS., 44. Nov., a man sentenced to 3 months public works for drawing a knife to kill a citizen in the court-room. S. Diego Arch., MS., 263.