Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/658

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to Alcalde Tapia, and went to Monterey. Tapia was acting prefect till August, though Machado took his place in June and July; and on the 10th of August he was formally appointed by the governor, Peña having resigned. In September came the news that the latter's appointment had not been approved in Mexico. It does not appear that any action was taken in Mexico on Tapia's appointment, and perhaps it was never intended to be permanent; at any rate in May 1840 he asked to be relieved on account of illness, and Santiago Argüello was appointed to the office. The prefect's salary was $2,000 and that of his secretary — Francisco Castillo, succeeded before the end of 1839 by Narciso Botello — was $700. The prefect as an executive officer exercised a general authority over the ayuntamiento and over all local officials in the district; but there is nothing in his routine acts of 1839-40 that demands special notice.[1]

  1. On the prefecture and tumult of the flag see this vol. p. 585-9. Peña's appointment announced March 7, 1839. Dept. St. Pap. Ang., MS., x. 112-14. I omit miscellaneous references to authorities for this and the following points. April 11th, Peña installed, and makes a long speech. Id., ii. 164; Id., Pref. y Juzg., iv. 53; v. 79; though there are other documents indicating the 13th or 15th as the date. Dept. St. Pap., MS., xviii. 17-18; Id., Ben. C. & T., iv. 26. April 13th, P. to Vallejo on the good disposition of the people. Vallejo, Doc., MS., vi. 410, 439. April 16th, J. M. Covarrubias named as sec., and he may have held the place for a time before Castillo's appointment. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. C. & T., MS., iv. 28. April 22d, Prefect Pena directs alcalde not to allow administrators of missions to remove fugitive Ind. from town without consent of alcalde and prefect. Id., Ang., ii. 165. May 25th, Peña directs Tapia to take charge ad int. Savage, Doc., MS., iii. 48; Hayes' Doc., MS., 92-3. Same date, notifies govt. and administrators to same effect. Dept. St. Pap., Pref. y Juzg., MS., v. 5; S. Diego, Arch., MS., 225. May 26th, Tapia assumes the office. Dept. St. Pap. Ang., MS., v. 10. June 12th, prefect orders that Ind. shall be collected at the missions. S. Diego Index., MS., 134. June 21-3. Machado takes the office ad int. Dept. St. Pap., Pref. y Juzg., MS., v. 7; Id., Ang., v. 20. Peña's resignation July 31st, accepted Aug. 10th, and Tapia appointed same day. Id., Pref. y Juzg., v. 24, 29; Id., Mont., iv. 12. Castillo reigns as sec. Aug. 21st, and Botello acts ad int. Id., Pref. y Juzg., MS., v. 25; Coronel, Doc., MS., 94. Nov. 5th, prefect fines alcalde $20. Nov. 29th, orders alcalde to convoke ayunt, for an extra session. Botello appointed sec. Oct. 5th-7th. Los Ang. Arch., MS., v. 100; Dept. St. Pap. Ang., MS., v. 86, 90. May 24th, Tapia asks to be relieved on account of illness. Id., Pref. y Juzg., vi. 69. May 30th, Argüello appointed. Id., Ang., iv. 111; xii. 31; Dept. Rec., MS., xi. 15-16; S. D. Arch., MS., 255. June 2d, Argüello accepts, June 17th, installed, making a speech. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., MS., ii. 32-3; Id., Pref. y Juzg., vi. 72; Hayes' Em. Notes, 511-14; Id., Doc., 127. Sept. 9th, prefect has released the sub-prefect, whom he believes innocent. Dept. St.