Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/671

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tranquillity Zamorano's cause in 1832. Political and other annals of 1833-5 contain nothing notable; but in 1836 the policy of Governor Chico and his controversy with Padre Duran created an excitement among the Barbareños that had much effect on later events. During the sectional troubles of 1837-8 this town exercised a great and probably controlling influence. Through the efforts of Guerra y Noriega and Duran its support was given from the first to Alvarado; and though naturally loyal to Mexico and averse to revolution, the citizens refused to aid Los Angeles and San Diego in their factious opposition to the plan of Monterey. Nor did they waver in their support of Alvarado, even when Cárlos Carrillo, one of the most popular of their number, urged his claim as governor. When these troubles were at an end the course of local happenings again became monotonous in 1839-40. Captain Guerra y Noriega, like Vallejo in the north, had hoped for a restoration of the old presidial organizations, but the hope was a vain one, and the aged captain's efforts barely kept in existence the skeleton of his garrison.

The municipal records of Santa Bárbara have been for the most part lost, so that respecting the pueblo government, administration of justice, criminal cases, and even list of officers, only a slight record can be formed from miscellaneous scattered documents.[1]

    Capt. Bancroft by Ind. at Sta Rosa Isl. Vol. iv., p. 90-1. Views of Sta B., in Forbes' Cal.

    1839. Jan., Alvarado, Vallejo, and the southern prisoners; the general's attempts to enforce military discipline. Id., 580-3. May, Lieut Prado and 10 men sent to maintain order at Angeles. Id., 589. Election; Covarrubias elector for Sta B. Id., 590. Complaints respecting the distribution of revenues. Id., 591-2. June, sub-prefect can find no pus vacuno to vaccinate Ind. Dept. St. Pap., Ang., MS., v. 23. Visit of a British explorer. Belcher's Voy., i. 320-2.

    1840. Revelation of the Carrillo conspiracy. This vol., p. 606. Arrest and imprisonment of foreigners in connection with the Graham affair. Vol. iv., p. 14-17, 28.

  1. Sta Bárbara municipal government and official list. 1831-2. Alcaldes Rafael Gonzalez, Miguel Valencia; regidor or síndico José María García. Guerra, Doc., MS., ii. 197; Leg. Rec., MS., i. 348; Gonzalez, Experiencias, MS. Gov. Victoria was accused of having suppressed the ayuntamiento. This vol. p. 202. In 1832 the diputacion left Sta B. under the jurisdiction of the com.