Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/672

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The successive alcaldes, or justices of the peace from 1839, were Rafael Gonzalez, José Antonio de la Guerra, José María García, José María Valenzuela,

    gen. as a place where the civil govt was not fully organized! – that is, was disposed to favor Zamorano. Id., 218. 1833. Alcalde, or judge of 1st instance, José Antonio de la Guerra. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 90; Id., Ben., P. y J., iii. 77. Valentin Cota juez auxiliar. Carrillo, Doc., MS., 112. In April, Gov. Figueroa states that Sta B. has no ayunt. or constitutional alcalde. The so-called alcalde, or his place, was created by the dip. without formalities of law, and he is merely a juez conciliador. He asks the opinion of Asesor Gomez, who replies that to decide the appointment illegal under the Span. laws and to put the citizens under military rule would open political wounds not yet healed. Dept. St. Pap., B. M., MS., lxxvi. 6-9. José M. Maldonado was receptor in charge of the revenues from this year. This vol. p. 377.

    1834. Alcalde José M. García (several references for different months). In Aug. the dip. voted to create an ayunt. with alcalde, 4 regidores, and síndico, after discussion and the receipt of petitions. Leg. Rec., MS., ii. 188-9; this vol. p. 249-50. In July the extent of the alcaldía was given as from S. Fernando to Purísima, 55 l. from east to west, and 25 l. north to south. Dept. St. Pap., B. M., MS., lxxix. 87. 1835. Alcalde José María Valenzuela. Oct. 12th, election of Rafael Gonzalez declared null by José Castro. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., MS., ii. 31. Cármen Dominguez juez de campo. No trace of the ayunt. as provided by the dip. Wm G. Dana was perhaps captain of the port in these years. Benito Diaz succeeded Maldonado as receptor by appointment of July 3d, salary $400. Id., Ben., Cust.-H., vii. 10, 14; viii. 14. 1836. Alcalde Wm. G. Dana. James Burke in July wished to be excused from serving as regidor. Leg. Rec., MS., iii. 27. Diaz suspended in Dec. as receptor. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., Cust.-H., MS., iv. 1. 1837. Alcalde Diego Olivera; regidor Santiago Lugo. José Ant. de la Guerra was capt. of the port; and Diaz, notwithstanding his suspension, still served as receptor. 1838. Alcalde Diego Olivera; síndico Ramon Valdés. Munic. receipts, taverns at 4 reals per month, stores, $1, billiards, otter-skins, $159, liquors, $64, fines, $4, lots and brands, $4, total, $232; expend., secretary's pay at $15 per month, $123, sacristan, $87, church and office expenses, $22, total, $232. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., P. y J., MS., ii. 26-30.

    1839. Sta B. made cabecera of 2d partido of 2d district. This vol. p. 585. Sub-prefect, appointed in April, Raimundo Carrillo, salary, $365; Sec. Francisco Castillo, who resigned in Aug. Alcalde Antonio Rodriguez, síndico Vicente Valencia. These were elected for the year; but under the prefecture system from April there were appointed as jueces de paz, José María Rojo and Antonio Rodriguez, the latter becoming 1st juez on Rojo's removal in July. Pedro Cordero was appointed, probably at the same time, as 2d juez, or suplente. Manuel Lorenzana serval as alguacil at $5 per month. José Ant. de la Guerra was still capt. of the port at $30 (or $50). Diego Olivera was made tithe-collector in Dec. Munic. receipts and expend., $330. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., MS., ii. 31-2. May 31st, sub-prefect's decree with munic. regulations in 23 articles. Id., Ben., P. y J., v. 9-10. June, juez orders comandante to remove the slaughter-pen from the Arroyo de la Viña, as a nuisance. He may put it on the beach toward the castillo, or north of the town. Sta B. Arch., MS., 5-7. This order caused a controversy, and after reference to the govt, Capt. Guerra seems to have had his own way. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 258-71. July, a 2d síndico appointed. Dept. St. Pap., Ang., MS., xi. 9. Judicial cases must be referred to Los Angeles. Id., v. 93. Business is stopped because the juez can find no competent secretary. Sta B. Arch., MS., 11, 13. In July there was a controversy between the civil and military authorities. José Andrade was arrested for debt, and brought before the juez de paz; but Capt. Guerra claimed that the man was his servant, and as such