Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/688

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items are added, but such as require no general remarks. Leading topics of interest were the troubles with Governor Victoria in 1831, Zamorano's counter-revolt and organization of the foreign company in

    is not known exactly how the press came, but its products — 7 little books and over 100 documents — are preserved in my library. The press was carried to Sonoma by Gen. Vallejo in 1837, after Zamorano's departure, but subsequently returned to Monterey, where it was used by the Americans in 1846. May-Nov., sessions of the diputacion. This vol., pp. 248-52. May, scare at reports of a southern conspiracy. Id., 257. Sept. 11th, arrival of a courier from Mex. with orders to Figueroa. Id., 271. Sept. 12th, return of the gov. from a tour in the north. Id., 256. Sept. 25th, arrival of the Morelos with the colony from Mex. Id., 268. Oct. 14th, arrival of Híjar, and resulting controversies with the gov. Id., 272 et seq. Oct. 16th, election of assembly and member of congress. Id., 258, 291. Dec. 21st, wreck of the Natalia. Id., 268. Trouble between Angel Ramirez and Juan Bandini, lasting several years. Id., 370 et seq. Hartnell and P. Short perhaps began their educational enterprise this year. Id., 317.

    1833. March-April, ayunt. meets to approve the gov.'s acts in the colony controversy. Híjar and Padrés with other prisoners sail from Mex. on the Rosa. Id., 287-8. Larkin built a bowling alley at a cost of $438. Larkin's Accts., MS., ii. 311. Aug.-Oct., sessions of the assembly. This vol., p. 291. Sept. 29th-Oct. 2d, death of Gov. Figueroa and funeral ceremonies. Id., 295. Oct., etc., alarm at the prospect of losing the capital. Id., 291-2.

    1836. April 25th, an earthquake shock at 5 A. M. Gomez, Diario, MS. More shocks June 9-10. Id. Heavy rains. Vallejo, Doc., MS., xxxvi. 214. May, arrival of Gov. Chico; election and meeting of dip. This vol., p. 421-6. July, revolution against Chico, preceded by the Castañares-Herrera scandal, and resulting in the governor's departure July 31st. Id., 429-42. Sept. 6th, arrival of Gov. Gutierrez. Id., 445. Oct. visit of the U. S. man-of-war Peacock. Vol. iv. 141. Oct.-Nov., Alvarado's revolt, overthrow and exile of Gutierrez. This vol., 455-64. Nov., meeting and acts of the dip. or congress. Id., 469-76. Dec., Alvarado and his army march southward. Id., 491.

    1837. Jan.-Feb., threatened movement against the new govt. Id., 511-13. May-June, return of Alvarado and Castro; called south again by new hostilities. Id., 510-11, 522-3. July, revolt of Ramirez and Peña against Alvarado; capture and recapture of the town; arrest of rebels. Id., 523-6. Oct., visit of the French man-of-war Venus, Petit-Thouars com.; news of Cárlos Carrillo's appointment as gov. Id., 534; vol. iv. 148. Nov. 19th, wreck of the Com. Rodgers. Id., 103. Dec., visit of the British exploring ship Blossom, Belcher com. Id., 145-6.

    1838. June-July, Ind. robbers cause much trouble by their depredations in the district. Vallejo, Doc., MS., xxxii. 146. Earthquakes. Vol. iv., p. 78, this work. Aug. 13th the Catalina, arrives with news from Mex. favorable to Alvarado. This vol., p. 572.

    1839. Feb.-March, public reception to Alvarado; sessions of the assembly. Id., 584 et seq. May, elections for congress and junta. Id., 589-90. July, arrival of J. A. Sutter on the Clementina, iv. 127. Aug., visit of the French man-of-war Artemise, Laplace com. Id., 154-5. Marriage of the gov., and festivities at the capital. This vol., p. 593. Oct., visit of the chief Solano and his Indians from Sonoma. Id., 598-9.

    1840. Feb.-May, sessions of the junta; Monterey declared the capital. Id., 602-6. March-April, arrest and exile of Graham and other foreigners. Vol. iv. 1-41. June, visit of the French Danaïde, Rosamel, and U. S. St Louis, Forrest. Id., 35-7. Nov. 30th, a Cal. earthquake reported in Mexico, but nothing known of it in Cal. Dept. St. Pap., Mont., MS., iv. 43; Sta B. Arch., MS., 21.