Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/689

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1832, the arrival of Governor Figueroa in 1833, the coming of the colony and the establishment of a printing-office in 1834, troubles with Híjar and Padrés and death of Figueroa in 1835, the coming and going of Chico and Alvarado's revolution in 1836, the Ramirez counter-revolt and the waiting for news of sourthern war and politics in 1837-8, military reform and the governor's marriage in 1839, and the exile of the foreigners to San Blas in 1840. Ordinary local happenings were beneath the dignity of a town so devoted to grand affairs of state.

The military organization was still kept up, but the records are even more fragmentary and confusing than in the past decade, so much so indeed — and naturally enough in connection with frequent changes in the comandancia general, revolutionary movements, calls on volunteer troops or soldiers from another district, and absence of the regular company in southern campaigns — that it is not worth while to attempt the presentment of details either in notes or text. Agustin Zamorano was captain of the company in 1831-6, and José Castro in 1839-40, but Captain José Antonio Muñoz was much of the time comandante of the post in 1833-6, and Lieut-colonel Gumesindo Flores in 1839-40. Gervasio Argüello, lieutenant of the company, was absent in Mexico, and Bernardo Navarrete was acting lieutenant in 1833-6. Rodrigo del Pliego was alférez, departing in 1831; Ignacio del Valle in 1832-6 and perhaps later; José Sanchez in 1832-4; José Antonio Pico from 1836; Rafael Pinto, Jacinto Rodriguez, and Joaquin de la Torre in 1839-40. One of these acted as habilitado. Sergeants named are José A. Solórzano, ayudante de plaza in 1832-3, Francisco Soto, Gabriel de la Torre, and Andrés Cervantes in 1835-6, and Manuel R. Castro in 1840. The company varied very irregularly from 20 to 50 men including inválidos, and the monthly pay-rolls from $570 to $900. There was generally an artillery force of five men under Sergeant José M. Me-