Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/692

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tro, and David Spence again. In 1831-7 an ayuntamiento of one or two alcades, four or six regidores, and a síndico, was elected each year to serve the

    Ávila; sec. Francisco Castillo Negrete to June, José M. Maldonado from June; alcaldes auxiliaries, Los Ortegas (?) Jolin Gilroy, Pilarcitos Luis Mesa, Buena Vista Santiago Estrada, Pájaro Antonio Castro, Soledad Nicolás Alviso, S. Cárlos José Ant. Romero; jueces de policía, José Castañares and Antonio de Sta Cruz; juez del monte, Santiago Duckworth. Jueces de campo, Pilarcitos, Francisco Lugo; Alisal, Vicente Cantua; Guadalupe, Guadalupe Cantua; Carneros, Joaquin Soto; La Brea, Antonio German and Faustino German; Las Llagas, Cárlos Castro; Pájaro, Ramon Amez(quita); Monterey, Felipe García; Laguna Seca, Teodoro Sanchez; Buena Vista, Mariano Estrada, Salinas, José A. Boronda. Majordomo of the ayunt., Geo. Allen. Jan. 3d, teacher cannot begin work for lack of furniture, etc. Jan. 5th, police regul. of the past year adopted. 10th, committee appt. to consider lanci grants, and one on schools. 12th, building a jail. 17th, limits of the ejidos, from the mouth of the river to Pilarcitos, to Laguna Seca, bounds of S. Cárlos to Cañada Honda and the sea. 24th, schools, contributions to be solicited; com. to form a tariff on wood; regulation of bread; 31st, wood and timber tariff fixed. Feb. 7th, proposition for a girls' school; a map of the town needed but very hard to make; appeal to govt for arms to use against cattle-thieves; a record book for town lots to be obtained; 14th, trouble with the síndico. 28th, J. B. Alvarado chosen to solicit funds for the girls' school. March 14th, one real per day to be paid to a watchman for the prisoners on public works. 28th, a room rented for a sala capitular at $10 per month. April-Way, political and colony matters chiefly. June 20th, the church transferred from the military to municipal care. July 11th, vote to grant the request of Los Angeles for a copy of the reglamento as a model, but Angeles must pay the expense of copying. 18th, action to oblige regular attendance at the 'normal school.' Slow progress on the buildings, as the prisoners were not properly incited to work. Aug. 1st, José Arana put in charge of the work and prisoners, his salary to be completed by a contribution. Lumbermen must pay a tax of 10 per cent on sales. 8th, et seq., land grants approved. 29th, vote to pay $8 for an ox that died in the service of the ayunt. Sept. 12th, organization of militia. Oct. 3d, com. to provide for a separate burial place for foreigners. 28th, tiles borrowed to save the unfinished building from ruin by the rains. Nov. 7th, serious complaints against the principal of the school for neglect of his duties and failure to attend to religious instruction. 21st, Romero the teacher defends himself. Foreign cemetery selected. Dec. 5th, vigorous action to be taken against the horse-thieves, etc. Town well to be repaired. Dec. 18th, extra session to consider the arrest by Capt. Muñoz of the síndico. The acts of the ayunt. are recorded in full in Monterey, Actas del Ayunt., MS., 46-249, it being of course impossible to present a satisfactory résumé. I have omitted repetitions of matters noticed here and elsewhere; internal regulations, and leaves of absence to members; grants of town lands; and action on about 20 grants of ranchos in the district. Many of the items given above are also noticed in other records. Feb., gov. decides that $20 is an excessive salary to the sec. Mont. Arch., MS., ix. 3. June, trial of Julian Padilla for passing counterfeit onzas. Id., ii. 3-6. Aug. José de Jesus Berreyesa condemned to 5 years' presidio at Sta Rosa for stealing horses. Oct., controversy between the military and munic. authorities for the possession of the ranchos El Toro and S. Francisquito. El Toro had belonged to the garrison, but the ayunt. obtained it (for ejidos) and granted it to Estrada. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 60-6; Leg. Rec., MS., ii. 224-5. There is much in the ayunt. records about the ejidos, but no definite results of discussion are apparent. Dec., Eugenio Murillo sentenced to Texas for 10 years. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., P. & J., MS., iii. 47.

    1836. Alcaldes José Ramon Estrada and Marcelino Escobar; regidores