Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/693

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next; but for only 1831 and 1835 are the records of ayuntamiento sessions extant, those of the latter year being especially complete. In 1838 the governor,

    Wm Hartnell, Teodoro Gonzalez, (also acting alcalde), Bonifacio Madariaga, and Gil Sanchez (to April); síndico, James Watson; sec., José M. Maldonado; Antonio Lara, alguacil. Jueces de campo Santiago Estrada, Trinidad Espinosa, Feliciano Espinosa, José Areco, Guadalupe Cantua, Santiago Guat (Jas. Watt?); auxiliaries, Quentin Ortega, José M. Villavicencio, Luis Mesa. Comisarios de policía, José Madariaga, Francisco Soto, José Ábrego, José Pacomio; suplentes. José Sta Cruz, Nicanor Zamora, Gil Cano, Luis Placencia. Ayunt records not extant. Jan., two couples sentenced to chain-gang and seclusion for illicit intercourse. One of the women was the wife of Cosme Peña. Mont. Arch., MS., vi. 6-7. Two girls of the colony while bathing at Huerta Vieja were carried off by Carmeleño Ind., who were arrested and flogged. Híjar, Cal., MS., 118-19. April, ayunt. allowed to use the assembly chamber temporarily. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., P. & J., MS., iii. 31. Grant of a town lot to Louis Pombert. Doc. Hist. Cal., MS., i. 255. June, gov. decides that Maldonado may be sec. of ayunt. and assembly. Leg. Rec., MS., iii. 22-3. Aug.-Oct., trial of Corporal Antonio Cadena, of the piquete de Hidalgo, for the murder of private Bárbaro Barragan of the artillery. He was sentenced to 10 years' presidio at Chapala; and a woman in the case to 2 years confinement at S. José mission. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., MS., lxxxii. 29-54; lxxviii. 2-3.

    1837. Alcaldes Estévan Munrás and perhaps Marcelino Escobar. Munrás is often mentioned as 2d alcalde, and Escobar is named once in Dec. The only regidores named are Simeon Castro and Bonifacio Madariaga. Mont. Arch., MS., vi. 7; Dept. St. Pap., Ang., MS., ii. 107. Juez de cainpo Eufemio Soto. Fragmentary police regulations in Vallejo, Doc., MS., xxxii. 60.

    1838. Alcaldes (or encargados de justicia) Simeon Castro and Feliciano Soberanes; secretary Florencio Serrano. Jan. 10th (or Aug. 10th) bando of police regulations. Dept. St. Pap., Mont., MS., iii. 66-8; Sta Cruz Arch., MS., 85-6.

    1839. Prefect of 1st or Monterey district, with headquarters at S. Juan de Castro, José Castro appointed Feb. 28th, and installed, making a patriotic speech March 10th; salary $2,000. His secretary was José M. Covarrubias. Castro was required to give up the military command. During his temporary absence in May, Juan Ansar, the juez de paz at S. Juan, acted as prefect. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv, 247-8; xvii. 44; Id., S. J., v. 21, 26, 36; Id., Mont., iii. 78; iv. 4, 78, 81; Id., Ang., x. 12-13; xii, 14; Id., Ben., P. y J., iii. 2; Id., C. & T., iv. 28; Mont. Arch., MS., iv. 4; xvi. 28; S. José Arch., MS., ii. 72; iii. 30-1; Dept. Rec., MS., x. 7; Unb. Doc., MS., 242; Vallejo, Doc., MS., viii. 407: xxxii. 183; Estudillo, Doc., MS., i. 255; Gomez, Doc., MS., 39. Encargados de justicia Castro and Soberanes as before till April. Jueces de paz from May, David Spence and Estévan Munrás; secretary at $300, and collector at commission of 5 per cent, Manuel Castro, juez auxiliar Vicente Cantua. Feb. instructions to comisarios de policia. Vallejo, Doc., MS., xxxii. 176. April, justices fined $20 by gov. for permitting a game of bagatelle on holy days. Fine for benefit of school. Dept. St. Pap., Mont., MS., iv. 12. Alcalde Castro by order of the prefect decides to appoint jueces de paz at Mont., S. Cárlos, Salinas, Natividad or Alisal, S. Cayetano, Carneadero, and S. Luis Obispo ranchos. Mont. Arch., MS., ix. 6. April 29th, elections to take place on May 1st. Vallejo, Doc., MS., vi. 497.

    1840. Prefect José Castro until his departure with the Graham exiles in May, after which José M. Villavicencio acted ad interim until August 20th when Tiburcio Castro, father of José, was appointed. Francisco Arce was secretary until Dec., when he was succeeded by Manuel Castañares. Dept. Rec., MS., xi. 16-18, 31, 60; Arch. Doc., MS., 19; Dept. St. Pap., Mont.,