Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/754

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736 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. Ind. at Refugio 45. iv. 642. F. (Juan Jose"), at Brancif. 28-45, age at latter date 45; wife Antonia Castro, child. Rafaela, Miguel b. 22, Leon 25, Angel 27, Antonio 32, Victoria 31, Josefa 39; juez dc paz in 43. ii. 677; iv. C63. F. (Julian), at S. Mateo 35. F. (Leonardo), soldier at S.F. 19-27; arrested at Mont. 37. iii. 525. F. (Luciano), sentinel at S. Buen. 19. ii. 333; in revolt at Sta B. 29. iii. 78; at the Natividad light 46; in 49 juez de policia at S. Luis Ob. F. (Luis), soldier at S.F. 44, age 17. F. (Luis), soldier at Sta B. 32-7, wife Secundina Cordero, 3 children. F. (Manuel), in Los Ang. dist. 46-56. F. (Nicolas), at Los Ang. 40. F. (Rafael), at S. Mateo 35; S.F. militia 37; in 41 in S. Josd dist., age 44, wife Juana Amezquita, child. Ramon b. 28, Urbano 29, Macario 31, Julia 27, Sinforosa 34, Jose d. 40. F. (Rafael), soldier of S.F. comp. 39-42; detailed in 41 to accomp. capt. "Castaiieda to Mex. ; grantee of Pescadero, S. Joaq., 43. iv. 672; ment. in 46. F. (Santiago), at .S. Juan Cap. 46, age 30, wife Juana Riola, child. Juan, Andrea, Alonza, and Ascension. F. (Tomas), soldier at Sta B. before 37. F. (Vicente), invulido corp. in charge of Los Ang. as comisionado much of the time 1785-1800. i. 347, 401, 479, 601; owner of the Felix rancho, 1002-16. ii. Ill, 185, 353. F. (Vicente), soldier at Sta B. before 37, wife Filomena Valenzuela; 5 children; in 36 maj. at Buena Esperanza rancho. iii. 677; widower, age 26, child. Casiana, Ger6nimo, Juan, and Jose"; grantee of Moro y Cayucos, S. Luis Ob., 42. iv. 655; in trouble with the auth. at S. Luis 47. Perhaps 2 or 3 men of this name. Fellom (Caius Julius), 1845 (?), Danish sailor, brother of Matthew, who came to Cal. in 52 and again in 62, and at S. Jose in 78 claimed to have touched at Sta B. before 46 on the whaler Waverly. S. J. Pion. Jul. 6, 78. F. (Matthew, or Felipe), 1821 (?), Danish hatter and sailor, who landed from a whaler all the way from 21 to 24 ace. to dif. records, ii. 444, 526-7. He set tled in the Gilroy region, and married after 34, when his age was 32. Felipe was prob. his baptismal name in Cal.; on Larkiu s books 41-7; in 42 making soap at Gilroy s; in 46 juez at S. Juan B. v. 640. He is said to have become rich in lands and cattle, and to have died in 68 or 73. Fellows (C.J.), 1845, doubtful arrival, iv. 587. F. (Hiram W.), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); reenl. Fendero (Jesus), Mex. soldier of the piquete de Hidalgo at Mont. 36, age 29. Fenley (Daniel), 1847, Co. A, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Ferguson, 1846, doubtful memb. of the Mormon Col. v. 547. F. (Adrian), 1835, at S. Jose; prob. Geo. A., q. v. F. (Daniel), 1824, Irish shoemaker from N. Mex. ii. 526; iii. 156; joined the comp. extranjera at Mont. 32. iii. 221 ; in 36 a resid. of Los Ang. , age 30, with a Cal. wife. He was one of the vigilantes (iii. 430); but failed to secure a lot; and in 39 or earlier came north, his name appearing on Larkin s books in 39-40. He was murdered in Salinas Val. 41 by Arana, the paramour of F. s wife, Cdrmen Ruiz. iv. 280, 653. F. (Geo. A.), 1831, Amer. sailor, cooper, and lumberman, who de serted from the Fanny, working at S. Rafael, S. F. iv. 708-9, Mont, in 33, and S. Jos6 from 34. iii. 405; arrested but not exiled in 40. iv. 17; in the contra costa 44; signed the S. Jos6 call to foreigners 45. iv. 599; lot at S.F. 47; perhaps had a store at Stockton 48; in 78-83 a resid. of Mayfield. F. (James), 1847, sergt-maj. of Morm. Bat. v. 477, 483; in 58 adj. -gen. Utah; delivered a lecture in Liverpool 55. F. (Jesse), 1828, Amer. trapper of Pattie s party, who remained in Cal., settling at Los Aug.; married a Rendon in 31; named in 36 as a trader, age 36; said to have died in L. Cal. a few years later, ii. 558; iii. 163, 178. F. (J.C.), 1846, overl. immig., named by Bryant; Co. C, Cal. Bat., enlisting at S. Juan in Oct. (v. 358); Joseph F. had a Cal. claim (v. 462); Josiah F. was a witness in the Cal. claims and in the Fremont court-martial, v. 454. These may have been all the same man; but there was also a Ferguson at Sonoma in June before the arrival of the immig. v. 110, 128. Fermor (Edward), 1847, Co. D, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Fernandez (Antonio), regidor of Mont. 27-8. ii. 612. F. (Diego), 1827, Span, trader on the Waverly; teacher at Sta B. 30. ii. 574; wife Brfgida Navarro, 2 child.; widower in 36, age 51, 3 child.; maj. at Purisima 42. iv. 648. F. (Dionisio), grantee with his bro. Maximo of land in Butte 46. v.