Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/755

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FERNANDEZ FIELD. 737 675. F. (Francisco), 1825, Span, from the Aquilfs; ordered away in 28-30. iii. 51. F. (Gregorio), 1794, Span, friar, who served at S. Luis Ob. and Purisima, retiring 1805. Biog. ii. 123; ment. i. 547, 570, 675, 689; ii. 159-60. Fernandez (Josd), 1817, Span, sailor who came from Peru with Rocquefeuil as a sailor on the Bordelais, and served in the S. F. comp. as soldier and cor poral in 19-27, going with Argiiello in ^21 on the exped. to the north, ii. 232, 289, 446. In 28-9, like other Span., he was in some trouble with the Mex. auth. but was allowed, to remain, iii. 51-2, 75; in 30 sec. of the ayuut. atS. Jose", iii. 730; in 39 partido elector, iii. 590, 731; in 44 sindico. iv. 685; in 46 juez de paz, capt. of ddfensores, serving in the south under Castro to Aug., and after U.S. occupation memb. of the council, v. 140, 295, 6G2, 664; in 49 2d alcalde. In later years he resided at Sta Clara, being a witness in the N. Almaden and many other cases. In 74 he dictated his recollections of early days, a most interesting narrative called Cosas de California. He died a year or two later, over 75 years of age. Capt. F. was a man who always merited the respect and esteem of those who knew him. Fernandez (Jos< Maria), 1796, Span, friar, who served at S. F., but was obliged to retire in 97, insane from the effects of a blow on the head. i. 712- 13; also i. 577, 711. F. (Jose" Perez), see Perez Fernandez. F. (Jose Zenon), 1834, Mex. teacher who came in the H. & P. col., iii. 263, teaching for a short time at Sta Clara, iii. 728. In 39 he was sec. of the S. Josd ayunt. and suplente juez de paz. iii. 731; in 40-1 sec. of the junta and ad int. of the govt. iii. 604, 193; and grantee of Quito rancho. Sta Clara, in 41. iv. 672; in 42 juez de paz at Mont., administering justice in a way not quite satisfactory to Com. Jones, and going south with Jimeno Casarin as sec. iv. 39, 294, 653, 656; in 44 sec. of the assembly down to his death in Aug. iv. 410. F. (Manuel), 1794, Span, friar who served at Sta Clara and Sta Cruz, retiring in 1798. Biog. i. 498; ment. i. 576-7, 618, 723. F. (Mariano), artillery corporal at S.D. 1803-6. ii. 102-3. F. (Mariano), of the custom-house guard at Mont. 45, perhaps the same. F. (Maximo), grantee of rancho in Butte, and S. F. lot 46. v. 675, 684. F. (Pedro), builder of 1st frame house at S. Jos6 41. iv. 684. F. (Sabas), Mex. corporal sent to Cal. for the Mont. comp. 37; employed at Sonoma as lieut in com. of an Ind. comp. iii. 511; iv. 72. F. (Santiago), soldier of S.F. comp. 41. Fernandez del.Campo (Josd), 1828, Mex. lieut in com. of Cal. artill., sta tioned at Mont.; arrested by insurgents 29; died in 31. ii. 608, 674; iii. 68, 70, 89, 190, 239. Fernandez de San Vicente (Agustin), 1822, Mex. priest and candnigo, sent to Cal. as commissioner by Iturbide to superintend the change of govt; skillful in politics and intrigue, a bon-vivant and gambler, whose character was not admired by the friars. He departed in 23, and a few years later was vicar at Sta F<, N. Mex. ii. 457-70, 483, 496, 550, 591, 597, 631, 643-4, 661; iii. 11. Fernando, neoph. grantee of Rincon del Alisal 44. Fernando, at Soledad 27. ii. 623. Ferrelo (Bartolom<), 1542, piloto mayor in com. of one of Cabrillo s vessels in the discov. of Cal. ; com. of the exped. after Cabrillo s death, continuing the voyage to the north, i. 77-81. Ferrer (Antonio), 1825, on the Asia. iii. 26. Ferrill (Thos J.), 1846, Fauntleroy s dragoons (v. 232, 247). Fetz- choror (Christian), 1847, musician of N. Y.Vol. (v. 499). Fetzer (John), 1846, Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons (v. 336). Fich (Henry), 1846, owner of S.F. lot; prob. Hen.D. Fitch, q.v. Fick- ett (S.H.), 1847, nat. of N.Y.; memb. of S. Joaq. pioneers 84. Fidalgo (Salvador), 1790, Span, naval lieut, com. of the transports and explor. vessels S. Cdrlos and Princesa, on the Cal. coast and at Nootka 1790-5. i. 444, 506, 509, 513, 517, 524, 533, 535, 543, list, of auth.; also Hist. N. W. Coast, index. Fiel (W.H.), 1846, Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons, trans, from Co. K.; killed at S. Pascual. v. 346. Field (B. Oscar), 1847, nat. of Penn., captured as a boy by Ind., and later in terpreter amT courier for the govt. Said to have come to Cal 47; in Sac. Val. 48; at S.F. from 50. Died at S.F. 64. Bulletin. F. (Daniel), 1847, Co. FT N. Y.Vol. (v. 499). F. (John), 1847, ditto. JMjJanv uel), 1845, overl. immig., perhaps of the Grigsby-Ide party, iv. 579. HIST. CAL., VOL. III. 47