Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/770

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752 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. collect specimens; came from N. Mex. in the Workman party, iv. 278-9. Being financially crippled, he was employed by Com. Jones in 42 as clerk on the Cyane, and perhaps went away ou that vessel; in 44 at Callao; said by Given to have ret. to Cal. about 49. G. (Win M.), 1845, mid. on the U. S. Portsmouth. Gamon (Jose M.), 1844, mr of the Trinidad, iv. 569. G. (Thos), 1826, at Mont. Gandara (Pedro), apparently a clerk of Pedrorena 40-1. Gann (Nicholas), 1847, overl. immig. with wife Ruth, to whom, in camp at Stockton, Oct., was born the 1st child in S. Joaq., named Wm; at Gilroy 79-82. Gannon (Thos), 1847, Co. F, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499); d. Sta B. 55. Gansevoort (Stanwix), 1845, mid. on U.S. Portsmouth. Gautt (John), 1843, member of the Chiles-Walker immig. party, iv. 392- 4, 400. In earlier times said to have been an officer in the U.S. army. Capt. G. commanded Sutter s force in Michcltorena s service 44-5; and after the campaign made a contract to attack Ind. horse-thieves for a share of the re covered animals, iv. 480, 485-6, 506-7, 516-17, 543. In Sept. 46 Bryant found him ill at Dr Marsh s rancho, and it is likely that sickness prevented Napa; in 49 mining on Feather River; died in Napa Val. later in 49. Garaycoechea (Jose"), at S. F. 1795. i. 700. Garcds (Francisco T. H.), 1774, Span, friar of Quere"taro college, and missionary in Sonorafrom 68; with Anza in his exped. to Cal. 1774-6; the 1st to explore the Tulare valley and the route fromMojavetoS. Gabriel; later missionary at the Colorado pueblos, where he was killed by the Ind. in 1781. i. 221-3, 258-62, 273-8, 354-67, 573, and list of auth. ii. 43-4. Garcia (Anastasio), a desperado who killed Joaq. de la Torre and several other men in the Sta B. region 55. G. (Anselmo), at S. Jose" 47. G. (Antonio), at Los Ang. 46. G. (Bernardino), son of Francisco, age 19 in 41, when he enlisted in the S.F. comp. at Sonoma, iv. 667. He was the des perado, Four-fingered Jack, who killed Cowie and Fowler in 46. v. 161-2; also ment. at Natividad. v. 370; Cal. claim of $1,375; I think he was hanged in later years. G. (Bibiana Romero de), widow at J. Jose" 41, age 21, child. Jose" Ant. b. 34, Francisco 36. G. (Bruno), settler at Los Ang. 1796. ii. 350. G. (Carlos), ditto 1813. G. (Carmen), Cal. claim $2,152 (v. 462). Garcia (Diego), 1787, Span, friar, who served chiefly at S.F. and retired in 97. Biog. i. 713; ment. i. 388, 474, 498-500, 575, 577. G. (Dionisio), Mex. sold, at Mont. 36, age 37; owner of S. F. lots 39-46. v. 676, 682. G. (Eugenio), soldier at Sta B. 32. G. (Faustino), at Mont. 47. G. (Felipe), Span. sold, of the Mont. comp. before 1780; had a garden at Mont, about 1815. ii. 209; his wife was Petra Lugo (or Rincon), and they had 20 children. G. (Felipe Santiago), regidor at Los Ang. 1789-90. i. 461; perhaps same as preceding. G. (Felipe Santiago), son of preceding, b. at Mont. 1782; in 35, 46, juez de campo. iii. 674; v. 637; in 36 at Mont., wife Jacinta Fernandez, child. Jose" de Jesus b. 22, Antonia 25, Manuel Este"van 27, Encarnacion 29. In 54 he gave Taylor, Discov. and Founders, ii. 25, his recollections; Cal. claim in 46 of $1,042 (v. 462); still living after 60. G. (Felipe), in Los Ang. region 46, age 25. G. (Francisco), maj. at Sta B. 1811-1820. ii. 364. G. (Francisco), Span, invalido of Sta B. comp. in 28-9, age 60. iii. 51. G. (Francisco), soldier of S. F. 34-5. G. (Francisco), Mex. at Mont. 36, age 34, wife Josefa Gonzalez, child. Bernabe" b. 23, Pedro 25, Jose" 26, Epitacio 28, Lugarda 30, Bonifacia 31, Maria Jesus 33, Micaela 34; grantee of ranches in Mont, and Sta Clara 42, 45. iv. 655, 673; juez at S. Feliciano 45- 6; iv. 625, 634, 637. Cal. claims of $14,625 and $2,170 in 46-7. (v. 462); still in Mont. Co. 50. G. (Francisco), at Los Ang 46. G. (Francisco), one of the Jack Powers gang hanged near S. Luis Ob. about 55; ment. in 46. v. 162; perhaps confounded with Bernardino. G. (Gabriel), at the S. Pascual fight 46. v. 352; a soldier at Sta B. before 37. G. (Hilarion), maj. at S. Diego 30. ii. 549; alfe"rez at Sta B. 39-46. iii. 583; iv. 642; v. 35. Garcia (Inocente), son of Felipe, b. at Los Ang. 1791; soldier in Mont.