Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/771

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GARCIA GAREOLO. 753 comp. from 1807, serving in the escolta of S. Miguel and Soledacl; from 13 trader and soap-maker; maj. of S. Juan B. 22-3. ii. 624; ment. at Mont. 28- 30. ii. 612; iii. 41; took part in Alvarado s revolt of 36, and in Ind. exped. of 37-9. iii. 457, 460. 469; iv. 75; admin, of S. Miguel 37-45. iii. 555, 587, 685; iv. 659; arrested by Fremont 46. v. 375-6. He went to the mines in 48; and for years supposed himself to be owner of a rancho near S. Luis Ob., but lost it. His wife was Maria del Carmen Ramirez, and there were many chil dren. In 78 living at S. Luis in poverty, strong in body and mind, though 88 years old, and of good repute. He gave me his Ilcchos JJixtdricos, a MS. full of interesting details of the old soldier s life and observations, ii. 232, 338-9, 386. In 85 I have not heard of his death. G. (Jacinto), soldier at S.F. 27-40. G. (Jesus), at Los Ang. 46. G. (Joaq.), sent to Mex. 30. iii. 85. Garcia (Jose"), 1800, Span, friar who served at S. Luis Rey, and retired in 1808. Biog. ii. 108; ment. i. 577; ii. 159-60. G. (Jose"), settler at Los Ang. 1808. ii. 350. G. (Jose"), soldier at S.F. 28-33. G . (Jose"), sent as prisoner to Sonora 37. iii. 638. G. (Josd), came in 36 from S. Amer.; flogged for forgery at Mont. 37: clerk at S. Jose" 41-2. iv. 684-5; ment. in 46. v. 321; said to have been killed at Natividad. v. 372. G. (Jose" Ant.), 1st death at Sta Clara, i. 306. G. (Josd Ant.), petitioner for lands for N. Mex. colony 45. iv. 572, 635, 637. G. (Jose" Dolores), ment. at Sta B. 48, in con. with the Canon Perdido. v. 588. G. (Jose" E.), son of Jos6 Maria, worked at Sta B. for Capt. Robbins 45; served under Carrillo and Flores 46. v. 400; took part in hiding the cannon in 48; and in 78 gave me his Episodlos. G. (Jos6 Manuel), lots at S.F. 39. G. (Jose" Maria), nat. of Sonora, of Span, parent age; sfndico at Sta B. 31-2. iii. 653, 212; maj. and admin, of Sta B. 34-6. iii. 346, 353, 657-8; alcalde in 34. iii. 654. His wife was Maria Ant. Ayala. G. (Jose Miguel), militiaman at S.F. 37; at S. Jose" 41, age 21, wife Rafaela Miranda, child. Guadalupe b. 39. G. (Josd Norberto), murdered at S. Juan B. 44. iv. 662. G. (Juan), soldier at S.F. 1797-1800. i. 556. G. (Juan), soldier at Mont. 36, age 26. G. (Juan and Juan Jos), at Los Ang. 46. G. (Juan B.), soldier of S. F. comp. 34-42. G. (Julian), at Los Ang. 46; S. Luis Ob. 58. G. (Luis), at Brancif. 30. ii. 627; at S. Jose" 41, age 28. G. (Lnz), comisionado at Brancif. 15. ii. 390; invalido 28, wife Rosalia Vaz quez, child. Rufino, Antonio, Jose" Maria. Garcia (M.), grantee of S. Miguel rancho 46. v. 637. G. (Manuel), 1822, mr of the S.F. de Paula, ii. 457, 474. G. (Manuel), at Los Ang. 46. G. (Marcelino), 1844, one of the Bat. fijo. iv. 289, 405; in 77 at Salinas City, where he gave me his Apunte sobre Michdtorena. G. (Matias and Miguel), at Los Ang. 46. G. (Maximo), soldier of the piquete de Hidalgo at Mont. 36, age 45. G. (Miguel), grantee of S. Miguel 46. G. (Norberto), at Sa linas 36, age 35, wife Maria Victoria Gomez, child. Mar fa Francita b. 20, Rita 23, Jose" 25, Juan Jose" 28, Guadalupe 31, Tcodora 34. G. (Pascual), soldier at Sta B. before 37. G. (Pascual), at La Brea 36, age 49, wife Juli ana Sanchez. G. (Pedro), 1842, lieut of the batallon fijo. iv. 3S9. G. (Pedro Gonzalez), armorer and instructor 1792-5. i. 615, 684. G. (Rafael), soldier of S. F. comp. 23-33; at S. Rafael 24. ii. 598; grantee of Tamales and Baulinas 36. iii. 713; grantee of land in Mendocino 44. iv. 672; raid on the Ind. 45. iv. 541, 679. He died in 66 in Marin Co., age 75. G. (Rafael), at Los Ang. 46; soldier at Sta B. 32. G. (Ramon), at S. Jose" 41, age 27. G. (Reyes), in piquete de Hidalgo at Mont. 36. G. (Rosalio), son of Felipe; went to Chili to avoid mil. service. G. (Salvador), Span, sailor of the Asia; rem. in Cal. iii. 51-2. G. (Tomas), soldier at Sta B. before 37. G. (Tri- fiou), grantee of Atascadero 42. iv. 655. Garcia Diego (Francisco), 1833, Mex. friar of the Zacatecanos, who served 554, 565, 619, 640. Gard (Chas and John), 1848, at Mont. Gardner (Geo. W.), 1844, mr of the Nantucfaf. iv. 567. G. (Wyman), 1S40, at Mont. (?). G., 1848, worked for John Williams on Butte Cr. Gareolo (Valentin), lieut HIST. CAL., VOL. III. 48