Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/772

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754 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. in Cal. 45 (?). Garfias (Manuel), 1842, Mex. lieut in the "batallon fijo 42-5. iv. 289; grantee of S. Pascual 43. iv. G35; rem. in Cal., and took part in the war against the U.S. 4G-7, going to Mex. with Flores. iv. 513; v. 41, 49, 316, 391, 407. He came back to Cal., and was county treasurer of Los Ang. 50-1; in later years U.S. consul at Mazatlan, where he still lived, perhaps, in 77. G. (Salvador), Span, at S. Jos6 41, age 41, wife Crecencia Cibriau, child. Sal vador b. 31, Ascension 30, Jos6 Jesus, 34, Felicidad 29, Encarnecion 30, Carmen 38, Josefa 40. Garibay (Gertrudis), accused of murder at Mont. 34. iii. 673. Garner (Philip), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). G. (R.), 1848, landed at Sta B. (?). G. (Wm A.), 1847, ditto, made bricks and dug a well at S. Diego. Garner (Win Robert), 1824, nat. of London, b. in 1803, who deserted from an English whaler at Sta B., the date being often given as 26. ii. 526. In 29 he was refused naturalization; in 31 married a daughter of Manuel Butron; in 32 joined the comp. extranjera at Mont. iii. 221. He was a lumberman, and appears on Larkin s books from 33; in 36-7 was a lieut of Graham s comp. in Alvarado s service, iii. 458-9, 512; and in 39 was naturalized, then living at S. Juan B. His part in the Graham affair of 40 is recorded in iv. 5- 6, 10, 12, 21, 27, he being the man who revealed the plot of Graham and his associates. It is not quite clear whether he simply acted in good faith as a Mex. citizen, was prompted by hostility to G., or was entrapped by Castro into confession for self-protection. Continuing his lumber business for a few years, in 44-8 he kept a boarding-house at Mont., being also at times clerk, policeman, translator, auctioneer, and alcalde s sec., besides serving appar ently in the campaign against Micheltorena. iv. 495; v. 637. He went to the mines with Colton, and with his sons made several mining trips, and then moved to S. Luis Ob., from which point, in 49, he made an exped. against the Ind. of the interior and was killed with 6 of his men. His son Jose" C., b. about 32, in a letter of 75, gave me some information about his father; also to the S. Plon. of 78, when he lived at S. Jose 1 , as he does still, perhaps, in 85. In their anger at the affair of 40, Graham and his friends accused Gar ner not only of treachery in that matter, but of having been an Australian convict, murderer, and desperado; but in the absence of proofs, it is well to judge the man s character by his Cal. record, which is in every respect better than that of his accusers. He is said to have been of a good family, and was an intelligent man of some education. Garnica del Castillo, q.v. Garra, Ind. chief at Pauma 46. v. 567-8. Garraleta (Antonio), clerk at Sta B. mission 39. iii. 657. G. (Jose" Ant.), lieut of the frontier comp., sometimes visiting S. Diego; killed in 41 by his wife. iv. 619. Garrick (Peter), 1834, Engl. carpenter at Mont, in Spear s service; written Garruk and Garrenk. Garriger (Solomon), 1846, Co. E, Cal. Bat. (v. 358), enlisting at N. Helv. Oct7~~ Garter (David), 1848, doubtful name. Gurue (Wm), 1834, nat. of Sto Domingo, from Hon.; cooper at Los Ang. 36. iii. 412. Gasquet (Louis), 1845, French consul at Mont. 45-7. iv. 385, 587, 590; v. 34, 60, 232-3, 3G4. Gastelum (Francisco J.), at Los Ang. 39-45. Gaten (H.), 1846, Co. B, artill., Cal. Bat. (v. 358). Gautier (Julian), 1843, d. at Los Ang.; his widow at Sonoma, Dec. Gavitt (John), 1847, lot at S. F. Gay (Geo.), 1832, Engl. deserter from a whaler, iii. 408; went to Or. in 35, and came back in 37 in the cattle exped. iv. 85; see Hist. Or., i. 98. Geddcs (Paul), see Green (Talbot H.). Gehringer (Andrew), 1847, Co. H, N. Y. Vol. (r. 499); miner in 48-50; Sta Clara farmer 51-63; in 63-83 near Concord, Contra Costa. Geiger (WmJ, 1841, N.Y. teacher, age 24, who came from Hon. on the ThosTcrTans. iv.~104, 569; later in the year at N. Helv. Gelabert (Wm), 1846, Span, in U.S.N.; settled later at Stockton, where he died in 82, leaving a wife and 3 children. Gelston (Roland), 1847, mr of the Whiton, and a S. F. merchant of G. & Co. in 47-9; owner of town lot and building; in 53 claimant for lands in Sac. and S.F. v. 581, 676, 678, 683. Gendreau (Francois), 1S44, Canadian in Sutter s employ 45-8; com. of an Ind. comp. in 40." TV. 453; v. 300. He, or his son Joseph, was in the 2d Donner relief 47. v. 540. His wife was a Walla Walla Ind., and their child