Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/773

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GENDREAU-GILBERT. 755 was "buried atS. Jose" Mission in Dec. 44. His name is often written Gendran, Gendron, Geandreau, and even Jondro. (jteiika, 1846, named at N. Ilelv. Genling (Joaquin), doubtful name of a juez m Mont. dist. iv. 653. Gennon (John), 1S47, named by Lanccy as a member of Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. Genoa y Aguirre (Fermin), 1817-18, sup. of the Hermosa Mexicana. ii. 282-3, 424. George (J.), 1848, from Hon. on the Julian. Gerardo (Rafael), maj. at Sta B. 1793-4. ii. 120. Gerke (Henry), 1847, German immig. at N. Helv. and S.F. in Oct. v. 556; lot-owner at S.F. 47-8. v. 656; later a vell-knowr. vineyardist in Tehama Co., where he still lived in 80. German (Antonio), juez de campo at La Brea and grantee of Juristac, iii. 674, 676, 711-12, being 50 years old in 36, wife Maria de la Luz Peiia, child. Antonio b. 18, Juan 20, Jose" 22, Luis 24. In early times he had been a soldier at Sta B. G. (Cayetano), at Los Ang. 46; cl. for the ranch o in 53. G. (Faustino), brother of Antonio, at Mont. 26. ii. 612; juez de campo 31, 35. iii. 672, 674; grantee with Ant. of Juristac 35. iii. 712; in 36 at La Brea, age 48, wife Maria Ant. Garcia, age 40. Faustino, like his brother, lost all his land under the manipulations of Amer. sharpers, and died in poverty at S. Juan in S3, at the age of 95, leaving his widow, aged 87, but no chil dren. G. (John), 1847, Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. (v. 518). G. (Juan), vecino of S. Diego, killed in 26. ii. 549. G. (Jose" de los Santos), son of Antonio, b. at Sta B. 23; in 78 at Tres Pinos, S. Benito Co., engaged in raising cattle with his brother Luis C. German. The two gave me their recollections of Cal- ifornian Sucesos, which, on several points, have proved valuable material for history, iv. 359, 463; v. 167. G. (Manuel), soldier at Sta B. before 37; at Los Ang. 30-48. Ger6nimo, Incl. alcalde at Soledad 26. ii. 623. Gerva- sto (Jos6), soldier of S.F. comp. 37-42. Gessen, 1845, a German in the south, iv. 490. Gettinger (Peter), 1847, Co. F, 3d U. S. artill. (v. 518). Geurron (J.A.), 1846, Co. G, Cal. Bat. (v. 358). Gholston (Wm C.), 1846, Co. K, 1st dragoons; killed at S. Pascual. v. 346. Gibbins, 1840, at Mont. Gibbon (L.), 1841, mid. on U. S. St Louis. Gibbs (John), 1845, overl. immig. of the Grigsby-Ide party, iv. 579, 587; of committee repres. the immig. before Castro, iv. 606; prob. of the Bears, v. 110; settled in Napa; at N. Helv. Nov. 47. G., 1845, Amer. at Brancif., age 40. Gibson, 1842, purser with Com. Jones, iv. 308. G. (Horatio Gates), 1847-8 (?), lieut in 3d U.S. artill.; at S. Diego, S.F., and other points in Cal. to 61; colonel in war of 61-5; in 77 in com. of Fort Wardsworth, N. Y. ; president of eastern assoc. of pioneers. I find no original record of such an officer before 49. G. (Joseph), 1831, Amer. trapper and tailor ot Ila- quinsor (Arkansas!), from N. Mex. with Jackson or Wolfskill. iii. 387. 405; at Los Ang. and S. Pedro 34-6; 44 years old in 36 and single. G. (Marion), 1845, Amer. farmer from Or. in the McM.-Clyman party, iv. 572, 587; in the mines with Job Dye 48; died at a date not recorded. G. (Samuel), 1845, Amer. immig. from Or., prob. in the McM.-Clyman party, and possibly iden tical with the preceding, iv. 578, 587. He took a prominent part in the pro ceedings of the Bears, being sergt. v. 110, 153, 103-4, 168; went south with Fre mont, remaining with Gillespie at Los Ang. and S. Diego, ranking as capt. in the Cal. Bat., wounded at S. Pascual, and serving under Stockton in the final campaign, v. 326-7, 340, 343-7, 360, 388, 434. In 48 he mined on Feather River in partnership with G.P. Swift, and was drowned in the winter of 43-9. Bidwdl. G. (Thos), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. (v. 409). Gilford (James), 1846, applicant for timber-land near S. Diego. Gift (Geo. W.), 1S48, nat. of Tenn.; mid. on the U.S. St Mary; left navy in 52; banker nt Sac. from 55; lieut in confed. navy from 61; newspaperman at S. Rafael and Napa till his death in 79, leaving a wife and 4 children. Gil y Taboada (Luis), 1801, Mex. friar of S. Fern, college, who served at many missions, being founder of S. Rafael, and died at S. Luis Ob. 33. Biog. iii. 680-1, mcnt. ii. 29, 121, 131, 135, 137, 159, 329-30, 337, 351, 355, 304, 306, 387, 394, 425, 562, 618, 623, 625, 627, 655. Gilbert (Albert), 1830, from N. Mex. to buy cattle; in trouble with the authorities; went to Hon. on the Volunteer in 32.