Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/775

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GILLINGH AM GIVEN. 757 1847, musician Co. I, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); owner of S.F. lots 48. Gilman (G. D.), 1848, from Honolulu; of firm Wetmore & G. at S.F. 48-9. Gilroy (John), 1814, Scotch sailor, and the 1st foreigner to settle perma nently in Cal., being left sick at Mont, by the Isaac Todd. ii. 204, 248, 272, 382, 393. His real name was John Cameron, but having rim away from home as a minor, he changed it to avoid being arrested and sent back. His parents moved to England when John was very young; and indeed, he often claimed to be a native of Sunderland, Engl. In Sept. 14 he was baptized at S. Carlos by P. Sarrfa as Juan Antonio Maria Gilroy. In 18 Capt. Guerra, at Sta B., sent to the viceroy his petition as an Amer. cooper for permission to remain and marry in Cal., which was granted in 19; and in 21 he was married at S. Juan B. to Maria Clara de la Asuncion, daughter of Ignacio Ortega. The same year he accompanied Capt. Argiiello in his famous exped. to the Co lumbia as guide, or rather, interpreter, for Amer. intruders were to be met and talked to. ii. 444-5. The next we hear of him was in 33, when he ob tained naturalization, producing certificates that he was a soap-maker and millwright of good character, with wife and 4 children, having also some live stock on the S. Isidro rancho. This rancho was granted the same year to the Ortegas; G. owned a league of it, on which he built an adobe house and spent the rest of his life. His name appears on Larkin s books from 34, when his age was given as 45. In 35 he was aux. alcalde at Los Ortegas. iii. 674; by the padron of 36, age 40, wife age 28, child. Nicodemus b. 26, Miguel 28. iv. 117; age 46 in 40; not arrested in the Graham affair; often named in rec ords of most years; said to have been sent to Fremont s Gavilan camp in 46. v. 18. In 51 for the 1st time Gilroy wrote to his family in England, and I have the original reply presented by Valentin Alviso of his brother Alex. Cameron, tanner, at Newton Heath, near Manchester, dated June 29, 52. Alex, is glad to learn that he has a brother living, for father, mother, and the other brothers are all dead. John Gilroy was an honest, good-natured old sailor-ranchero, well liked by everybody, much too fond of his grog and cards, careless and improvident, and as powerless in the hands of land-lawyers as were the natives themselves. He lost all his lands and cattle, but he lived to see his old rancho the site of a flourishing town, which bears his adopted name, Gilroy; and he died, as poor as when he landed in Cal. more than half a century before, in 69, at the age of about 75. I have no definite record of his sons since 48. Juanita (McPherson) has given many items on G. s early life, obtained from himself, in the Sla Clara Argus and other papers. Gilt (Henry), 1840, atBrancif.; prob. Hill. Gines, executed at Purisima 24. Gingery 1847, in Sutter s employ 47- 8; millwright and blacksmith. Gios (Jbsej, sirv. S.F. 1777. i. 297. Girard (A.), 1846, lieut in com. of Co. B, artill., Cal. Bat., v. 361, enlisting at S.F. Oct. G. (Wm), 1846, came to S. Jose. Hail. Giraudeau, 1841, French viniculturisl at Los Ang.; named by Mofras. Giribet (Miguel), 1785, Span, friar who served at S.F. and S. Luis Ob., retiring in 1800. Biog. i. 689; ment. i. 388, 422, 469, 473-4, 575, 577. Gitt, 1847, a physician named in the N. Helv. Diary 47-8. Given (Isaac L.), 1841, nat. of Ohio and civil engineer, who, on a visit to the Missouri River region in 40, heard of Cal., and failing to reach Inde pendence in time to join the Bartleson party, went to Sta Fd, and with 4 of his comrades joined the Workman-Rowland party, or in a sense originated that party, v. 278-9. His 1st work in Cal. was to survey the Rowland rancho. In 42 he came north to apply for land for himself; explored the Sac. Val. with Capt. Merritt and others; visited Napa and Russian Riv.; and ret. to Mont, to get naturalization. Here he found letters from home which caused him to go east as clerk on the Dale. He came back in 49 by the Panamd, route, worked as a surveyor at Sac., and was later engaged for many years in min ing operations. His wife is Mary A. Thomes, sister of Rob. H. Thomes, a pioneer of 41. In 79-85 Maj. Given resides at Oakland, and his Immigrant of 41 is a MS. narrative of much value and interest. Given, 1847, mr of the Alt Vernon. v. 579.