Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/776

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758 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. Glande (Giovanni), 1827, Ital. trader still at Mont. 29, nge 25. iii. 176. Gleason (James II.), 1846, trader at Mont. 4G-9; owner of S.F. lot. He came from lion, on the Don Quixote, and was agent for Paty & Co. ; one record has it that he died in 60. G. (John), 1848, roll of Soc. Cul. Pion. Glein (Carlos F. ), 1844, German blacksmith who came from Mazatlan on the California, settling at S.F.. obtaining naturalization and a town lot the same year, and having a blacksmith shop at the cor. of Montgom. and Pacific streets from 45 to 49 and later, iv. 453, 563, 669; v. 684; also owner of a Sonoma Co. rancho in 47; made a trip to Honolulu in 48. Later for many years a dealer in hardware in S.F., where he still lives in 85. Gliddon (Gco. R.), 1846, sup. of the Barnstuble, at S.F., Sonoma, Petaluma, and N. Hetv. 46-8." "GTines (James H. ), sergt-major of Morm. Bat. v. 477; did not come to Cal. Gloria (Jacinto), at S. Juan Cap. 1776. i. 303. Gloss (John), 1847. Co. C, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Qlpver (Aquilla), 1846, memb. of 1st Donner relief, v. 538; owner of S.F. lots 47-37 v. 685. G. (Wm), 1846, member of the Mormon colony with wife and 3 children, v. 546. He was the owner of S.F. lots, member of the town council and of the school committee in 47. v. 648, 656, 682; a mason and builder; also com. for settling the affairs of Brannan & Co.; a miner in 48, being one of those who furnished Gov. Mason specimens of gold. He went a little later with his family to Utah, where he still lives in 85 at Farmington. His Mormons in Cal. is an important source of information on its topic, and he has also sent me valuable items about early buildings in S.F. G. (R. 0. ), 1841, purser on the U.S. St Louis. Glynn (James), 1847, com. of the U.S. Prebie. v. 580. Goche (Wm), 1838, Fr. shoemaker from N. Mex., age 31, at Los Ang. 40. iv. 119. Goddard (Nicodemus), 1824, Amer. shoemaker on the Sachem, v. 526; at Sta B. 40, age 31, single and catholic. Godey (Alexis), 1844, nat. of Mo., of Fr. Canadian parentage, a hunter in Fremont s 2d, 3d, and 4th exped. iv. 437, 453, 583. He is named in connection with several of F. s opera tions in 46. v. 4, 15, 22, 24; went south and remained with Gillespie, was for a time in charge at S. Luis Rey, and took part in the fight at S. Pas- cual, ranking as lieut in the Cal. Bat. v. 314, 347, 353, 360. He went east with his party but came back in 49; married a sister of A. F. Coronel, and became a farmer and sheep-raiser, like his old associate, Kit Carson. As late as 78 he was still living in southern Cal. Gooway (J. M.), 1847, from Or. on the Henry. Goff (Daniel), 1840, one of the exiles to S. Bias, who did not return, iv. 18. Golden (Edward), 1847, Co: E, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Gold smith (Sam.), 1845, doubtful member of Fremont s party, iv. 583; said to have died in Valparaiso in 69, leaving a fortune. Nev. Gazette. Goldwaite (Richard M.), 1847, Co. H, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); at Albany, N.Y., in "82. Go- lovnin (V. M.), 1818, Russian visitor and author of Voy. of the Kamchatka. ii. 251, 291, 317-18, 383, 416. Gomez, killed at Mont. 31. iii. 673. G. (Ambrosio), sec. of ayunt. at Mont. v. 636-7. G. (Felipe), at S.F. : 37-44; owner of S.F. lot 40. iii. 706; age 57 in 44. G. (Felipe), son of Rafael, trader at Mont., and sometime postmaster, to 85. G. (Francisco), 1769, Span, friar with the 1st division of the 1st exped.; one of the party discovering S.F. bay; at S. Diego and Mont. 70; retired in 71. Mention i. 127, 136, 140, 147, 151, 167, 175-6, 178. G. (Francisco), at Sta Cruz 1794. i. 496. G. (Francisco), Mex. teacher at Mont. 45. G. (Guillermo), policeman at Mont. 46. v. 637. Gomez (Jose" Joaquin), 1830, Mex. trader who came on the Leonor; cus toms officer and comisario subalterno at Mont. 31-2. iii. 224-5, 376, 672; in 34 regidor and builder of the Peor es Nada. iii. 383, 673; in 35 regidor, comisionado to secularize S. Carlos, and grantee of Los Verjeles. iii. 354, 673, 679, 680; in 36 member of the dip., being then 48 years old, having a wife and children in Mex. iii. 426, 454, 460, 469. From 40 his rancho of Verjeles is often mentioned, being^on the way from Mont, to S. Jos6; here Larkin was captured in 46, and the tight of Natividad was in the vicinity; he was also grantee of Tucho in 43. ii. 616; iv. 134, 212, 453, 656; v. 4, 14, 364. In 46