Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/783

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GRAYSON GREEN. 765 in 77, as she is, I think, in 85. G. (Ned), 1846, at S. Jose" 54. Annals of S.F., 822; perhaps the preceding or his son. Green (Alfred A.), 1847, Co. B, N.Y.Vol. v. 513, 610; anat. of New Bruns wick, who after a brief experience in the mines became a somewhat promi nent lawyer at S.F., being at one time memb. of the legislature, and well known in connection with the pueblo land question, Santillan claim, and vigi lance committee. In 78 he gave me a narrative of the Adventures of a 47er, containing many interesting details of early S.F. annals; still living in S.F. 82, and I think in 85. There is some confusion in the records between him and H.A. Green, at Soncma in 47-8. G. (Alonzo), 1848 (?), doubtful date of a Sonora settler. G. (Cambridge), 1832, one of Young s trappers, who killed a man named Anderson, and is said to have been imprisoned at Los Ang. ; also had a brother in the same party, iii. 388. G. (Daniel S. or C.), 1846, surgeon on the U. S. Dale; in confed. service 61-5. G. (Ephraim), 1S47, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); at Sutter s and in the mines 48. G. (Francis), 1836, Amer. age 40, in a Los Ang. list; perhaps at Sta Cruz 39. G. (Geo. W.), 1829, on the BrooWne. iii. 138-9; living in Mass. 72. G. (Harry), 1848, named by Glover as a Mormon who went to Utah 49. G. (Henry A. ), 1844 (?), a lumberman and builder possibly the G. at Sta Cruz 39 named in various records of 44-6 at Mont, and Sta Cruz. iv. 455; Cal. claim of $76 (v. 462). In 47 he was at Sonoma, being a member of the town council, v. 668, and employed in preparing material, under a contract with Larkin, for houses which were erected at Benicia in 48. v. 671-3. There was a Mrs G., perhaps his wife, at Sonoma in 47. G. (H.F.A.), 1848, at Mont., ace. to consulate arch. G. (Hugh W.), 1847, purser on the U. S. Independence. G^J Jacob), 1846, Swiss trapper at N. Helv. 46-7; Cal. claim 25 (v. 462); ment. by Ward in 48. G. (J.L.), 1848, owner of a S.F. lot. G. (James), 1847, doubtful member of N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); at S.F. 74. G. (James), 1831, perhaps of Young s party, iii. 388. G. (James M.), 1845, nat. of Conn., who came on a whaler, iv. 587; long a resid. of Hon., and mr of vessels running to Cal.; memb. of firm C. A. Williams & Co.; also ship-chandler at S.F. ; died in Stockton insane asylum 68. Newspapers. G. (John), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). G. (John D.), 1847, resid. at Sta Cruz, ace. to the county hist. G. (Judson), 1846, overl. immig. with Steph. Cooper. G. (Lewis), 1846 (?), at Los Ang. 59-76. G. (Michael), 1846, Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons (v. 336). G. (T.C.), 1847, at N. Helv. Green (Talbot H.), 1841, nat. of Penn., and overl. immig. of the Bartleson party, iv. 268, 270, 275, 279. Early in 42 he entered Larkin s service at Mont, as clerk; and in May 43 made a contract to carry on L. s business for one year for $400 and 5 per cent of the profits. This arrangement was contin ued to the end of 45, and in Jan. 46 G. made a contract for 3 years to take the business, with 10,000 worth of goods, for one third of the profits, v. 55- 6. I have much of his business corresp. In 44 he got a renewal of his pass port, possibly naturalization; in 46 served on the 1st jury, v. 289, and wa-s Calif ornian. In 48 visited the mines. From Jan. 49 he was a member of the S.F. firm of Mellus Howard, a prosperous and popular man of business, mem ber of the town council, and taking an active part in polkical affairs. He married the widow Montgomery, of the Stevens immig. party of 44, by whom he had a son, in 85 state librarian at Sac., his mother, now Mrs Wallis, being a resident of Mayfield. In 51 Green, being then a prominent candidate for mayor, was recognized and denounced as Paul Geddes of Penn. ,^a default ing bank clerk, who had left a wife and children in the east. There is no agreement about the circumstances of the discovery. The charge proved true, but G. protested his innocence, and went east via Panama for the avowed purpose of clearing his reputation, being escorted to the boat by a large com pany of prominent citizens. There are several confused versions of his later life. I have his letter to Larkin in 53, in which he expresses shame and pen-