Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/784

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766 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. itence for the deception he had practised; says he has lost $3,200 from his trunk, and is penniless and destitute, with spirits broken and energy gone; Legs L., for God s sake, to send him his share of the proceeds of the Cal. claims and other debts; confesses that he has deceived Thompson; but intends to buy a small farm in Tenn. Some day he will send a full history of his life. In 54 he visited Cal. and was seen by Win F. White whose Grey s Picture ofPion. Times, 124-31, contains a good account of G. s life and in 55 he writes to Larkin from N.Y. that he had settled with Mr H. (Howard ?); that Mr B. (Brannan) had settled the Penn. affair; and that he is about to start for Tenn. He is understood to have rejoined his 1st wife and still living in 85. In the S. J. Pion. of Apr. 21, 77, it is stated that G. had been for some time asst sec. of the U.S. senate, and that he visited Cal. in 76. Lieut Maddox accused Green of dishonorable conduct in 46-7, and there are some slight indications that his Penn. defalcation was not his only transgression; but his Cal. record, as a whole, was excellent. Green (Theodore P.), 1846, lieut on the U.S. Congress. G. (Wm), 1840, one of the S. Bias exiles, arrested in the south, iv. 14, 18. G. (Wm G), 1847, Co. C, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); d. S. Rafael 71. Greenman (J. D.), 1848, passp. from Honolulu. Greenock, 1846, ment. by Revere as the frontier settler on a journey from Napa Val. to Clear Lake. I think there may be some connection between this name and Guenoc, that of a Lake Co. rancho granted in 45 to Geo. Rock. Guenoc is still the name in use. Greenwood (Caleb), 1844, trapper and mountaineer, who, with his two sons, Britain and John, by a Crow wife, guided the Stevens imrnig. party across the plains; and performed like service for other parties in 45-6, being sent to Ft Hall to divert the Or. immig. to Cal. They served in Sutter s force 4J3 ; Bryant met the old man in Lake Co. 46, when he claimed to be 83 years old; Britain was with the 2d Donner relief of 47, and lived in Mendocino Co. 84; S. S. Greenwood, apparently one of the 3, is said to have been a nat. of Nova Scotia, to have come with Fremont, and to have been justice of the peace and assessor at Sac., where he died in 78. John served in Co. E, Cal. Bat. (v. 358), and had a trading-post in Greenwood Val. 48. It is impossible to distinguish between the 3, or to locate any one of them at any definite time. iv. 445, 453-4, 486, 539, 575, 579. Gregory (John), 1844, Engl. in Cal. 44-6; came back in 55; in Sonoma Co. 61-80 with wife and 3 child. Sou. Co. Hist., 691. G. (Robert), 1846, Co. K, 1st U.S. drag., killed at S. Pascual. v. 346. G. (Thos), 1848, at S. F. from Honolulu. Gregson (James), 1845, Engl. who came to Phil, as a boy, and overl. to Cal. in the Grigsby-Ide party, with his wife, Elizabeth Marshall, and her two brothers, mother, and sister, v. 579, 587. In 45-8 he worked as a blacksmith for Sutter, serving in the Sac. garrison during the Bear revolt. v. 79; and later in Co. B, Cal. Bat. (v. 358), being perhaps at the Nativiclad fight, and taking part in the southern campaign of 46-7. Returning, he re sumed work for Gutter, got a lot at S.F. v. C85, and was at work at the fa mous mill when gold was discovered. Mrs G. is mentioned in 47 as passenger on the 1st steamboat to Sac. y. 579. In 50-80 he lived in Green Val., Sonoma Co., with 9 children. His daughter, Annie, b. Sept. 3, 46, married Robert Reid of S. Luis Ob.; another, Mary Ellen, b. 48, married McChristian. Prob. still alive in 85. I have a MS. Statement from him. Portrait in Son. Co. Hist., 509. G. (Wm), 1834, Amer., age 29, in Spear s service at Mont. Grernell, 1848, in list of letters, S.F. Grems, 1821, mr of the Sigloe(1), at Sta B. ii. 440. Grey (Wm), 1837, in S.F. militia. G. (Louisa C.), 1848, wife of W.L.G., d. Stockton 79, age 31; named as 1st Amer. child bom in Sonoma. Grien (Carl), 1844, blacksmith cl Mont. Griffin, 1847, from Honolulu on the Euphemia; in 48 mr of the Ariel, v. 576. G. (John S.), 1846, asst surg. U. S. A. from 40, prob. nat. of Ky, who came with Kearny from N. Mex., being present in the fights of S. Pascual, S. Gabriel, and the Mesa. v. 336-7, 385. His Journal of 46-7 is one of the best authorities extant, and i9 supplemented by his original Doc. Hist. Cal. in my collection. He was sta tioned at S.D. and Los Ang. in charge of the mil. hospital; visited the mines