Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/791

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HAAG HALLECK. 773 Hang (Fred.), 1847, Co. D, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Haan (Matthew J.), 1846, from Hon. on the Elizabeth , trader at Sonoma 47, in partnership with Fred. G. Blume, and later Victor Prudon; owner of S.F. lots. v. C80. Hace, 1831, perhaps of Young s trappers, iii. 388. Hacker (Win), 1846, bugler Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons (v. 336). Hackett (Pat.), 1847, Co. D, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Haenck (Tadeo), 1791, apothecary with Malaspina. i. 490. Hage- man (Chas K.), 1847, Co. D, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Hagemeister, 1817, Russ. gov. of Alaska who visited Cal. on the Kutusof 17-18. ii. 216, 251, 283, 291, 315-18, 373, 383. Haggerty (John K.), 1847, Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. (v. 518); a miner in 48. Hiigler (Henry), 1843, German ship-carpenter and mill wright with Stephen Smith from Baltimore, iv. 395, 400. He worked at Bo dega; in 47-8 in charge of the farm of his brother-in-law F. G. Blume; seems to have spent his life in Sonoma Co. ; died at Bodega in 73. His name was perhaps Hegelar. Haig (A.), 1822, mr of the Snipe, ii. 474. Haight (Jacob), 1846, artill. of Stockton s bat., killed at the S. Gabriel, Jan. 47. v. 395. H. (Sam. W.), 1847, sutler of N.Y.Vol. (v. 503); often named in commercial records of 47- 8, being interested at Benicia; d. S.F. 56. Hails (R. C. ), 1846, nat. of Tenn. and overl. immig. ; several times memb. of the legisl. from Napa and Solano down to 78, when he was 62 years old. Haines (John), 1837, named in Larkin s books; in Sutter s employ 44; also ment. at N. Helv. 46. Hair- bird (John), 1846, doubtful memb. of the Mormon col. v. 547. Hale (Horatio), 1841, on the Cowlitz; of scientific corps U. S. ex. ex. iv. 218, 241-2, 246, 250. Haler (Lorenzo), 1845, one of Fremont s men in 48-9, and perhaps in 45. iv. 583; v. 453. Halee, 1842, doubtful name at S. F. Haley (John), 1828, Irish cooper at S. Pedro from an Engl. vessel; in 29-30 at S. Gab., age 34. ii. 558; written Geli. Hall (Basil), 1847, owner of S.F. lot. v. 678. H. (Chas), 1832, Boston trader at Los Ang. 33-6; d. before 62. iii. 408. H. (James), 1826, mate on the Rover. H. (James), 1831 (?), mate of a trader, perhaps same as preceding; visited S.F. 81 from Me. H. (James), 1844, disabled Amer. sailor aided by the consul; sailed on the Nan- tucket. H. (James), 1848, at Mont., perhaps J. T. H. (J.T.), 1846, mr of the Barnstabk and Elizabeth 46-8, perhaps 2 men. v. 576-7. H. (John), 1822, mr of the Lady Blackwood, author of notes on Cal. harbors, ii. 4"4; iv. 151. H. (John or Chas), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); for many years a miner in Nev., where he died in 77, leaving a widow and daughter. H. (John T.), 1847, mr of the Malek Adhel. H. (R.R.), 1847, boatswain on the Columbus. H. (Willard P.), 1847, memb. of congress from Mo., who came as guide (?) with the Morm. Bat. v. 483; served in Co. C, Cal. Bat. (v. 358); went east with Kearny. v. 452; and testified at Wash, in the Fremont court- martial, v. 456. Halleck (Henry Wager), 1847, nat. of N.Y., graduate of West Point, and lieut of engineers U. S.A., who came with Co. F, 3d U. S. artill. to inspect Pacific coast fortifications, v. 518-20. Besides attending to his duties as engi neer officer, being soon brevetted captain, he went down the coast to take convention; and in 50-4 acted as inspector of light-houses on the Pac. coast. Then he resigned his commission, and in 54-60 was a member of the law firm of Halleck, Peachy, & Billings in S.F., taking part as counsellor in many of the great laud suits, acting as a kind of director of the New Almaden mines, acquiring a vast estate, and in 60-1 serving as major-gen, of militia. In 61 he went east and was commissioned major-gen.; commanded thedept. of Mo. in 61-2; was the highest mil. authority at Wash, as senior general, and later as chief of staff in 62-5; commanded for a time at Richmond; was in 65-9 com. of the dept. of the Pacific; and from 69 of the dept of the South until his death at Louisville, Ky, in 72, at the age of 56. No analysis of Gen. Hal- leek s character is called for here; his reputation is national, though he was essentially a Californian; and the positions held by him are sufficient to show