Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/792

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774 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. his abilities. He was a cold-blooded, generally unpopular man; rather than brilliant in all his efforts; arousing bitter enmity as well as pro found admiration. He was the author of several professional works and trans lations, and his treatises on military, mining, and international law are re garded as of standard value. His wife was a daughter of John C. Hamilton, and survived him with a son. H., 1847, brother of H.W., said to have been in the Q.M. dept., and to have died at Mont. 48. It may be that there is an error in the date of death, and that this was Jabez Halleck, who was col lector, harbor-master, and com. of deeds in 49. Haller (John J.), 1847, owner of S.F. lot. Halloran (Luke), 1846, memb. of the Donner party, who died before reaching Cal. v. 531. Halls (John), 1847, surveyor at S.F., Mont., and N. Helv. 47-8. v. 683. Halpin (Michael), 1846, Irish bugler of Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons (v. 336). Halsey, 1846, mr of the Caroline, v. 576. Ham (Hiram), 1847, owner of S. F. lot. H. (R.S.), 1848, early settler and alcalde at Sonora. H. (Zacarias), 1831, with Wolfskill from N. Mex.; said to have been drowned in the Col. a little later, iii. 387. Hamel (Win), 1847, Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. (v. 518); died in 84. Swan. Hamell (Dr), 1847, doubtful name at N. Helv. Homes (John), 1844 (?), named at Soquel. iv. 453; in 45 signed the S. Jos6 call to foreigners, iv. 599; ment. in 46. v. 641; memb. of Sta Cruz council 48. v. 642; alcalde in 49; claimant of Arroyo del Rodeo 53. iii. 677. Hamilton, 1847, of firm H. & Foster, Mont. H., 1845, one of Fremont s men. iv. 583. H. (Geo. W.), 1846, of Cal. Bat. (v. 358); lumber dealer at Mont. 48; at S. Jos< 50. H. (James), 1847, Co. A, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); d. at Jackson, Amador Co., 58. H. (J.R.), 1846, act. mid. on the Dale,; lieut confed. navy 61-5. H. (Mary), 1846, one of the Mormon col., perhaps with family, v. 546; Mary Sparks was her daughter. Hamlen (Mortimer J.), 1847, Co. E, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). Hamley (Geo. W.), 1846, mrof the Stonington. v. 578, 580; bearer of despatches from Stock ton to Fre mont in Jan. 47. v. 401; and in Dec. witness at VsCSh., D. C. ; in 53 cl. for Giiejito rancho. v. 621. His name is written in many ways, but I have his autograph. Hammer (Robert), 1847, Co. G, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); d. on Amer. Riv. 49. Hammond (Francis A.), 1847, from Hon. on the Cur rency Lass; kept a shoe-shop in S.F. 48. v. 685. H. (Thos C.). 1846, lieut Co. K, 1st U.S. dragoons, v. 336, 341, 343; died of his wounds at S. Pascual. v. 343-7. Hampton (Wade), 1841, Amer. gunsmith in Workman- Rowland party from N. Mex. iv. 278; at Los Ang. 42; returned via Mazatlan in 43, and was mysteriously killed on the way. Given. Hance (Wm), 1838, Amer. sailor, who deserted from the Sarah and Caro line, perhaps in 36. iv. 118; arrested, but not exiled, in 40. iv. 17; got a pass in 41, being then a lumberman near Monterey. In 42 he signed an appeal on the sufferings of the arrested party; in 44 got his pass renewed, living at S. F. , age 35. Hancock (Chas), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). H. (Geo. W.), 1847, Co. C, ditto. H. (Leyi W.), 1847, musician Co. E, Morm. Bat., being also poet, preacher, and spiritual director of the battalion, v. 477, 485, 488, 493-4; in Utah 82. Hand, 1841, mr of the Hamilton, iv. 566. H. (Chas S.), 1847, at Benicia 47-8. v. 673. H. (Patrick), 1847, sergt Co. F. 3d U.S. artill. v. 519. Handerick (James), 1847, owner of S.F. lots. v. 679. Handford, 1847, mr of the J6ven Guipuzcoana. Handley (Wm), 1837, mr of the Loriot. iv. 105. Hands, 1848, arrested at S. Jose", v. 662. Hanks (Ephraim), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). H. (Ebenezer), 1847, sergt ditto, v. 477. H. (Julian), 1845, mr of the Maria Teresa, v. 587, 579; perhaps came earlier; at S. Jos6 from 46, being member of the council, v. 664; in 49 memb. of the constit. convention, a nat. of Conn, age 37. He went later to L. Cal. Hanley (James), 1835-7, mr of the Clementine. iii. 382, 442; iv. 102. Hann (Wm), 1847, owner of S.F. lot. Hanna, 1848, mr of the Lady Adams, v. 579. Hannah (Dolphus), 1845, doubtful overl. immig. iv. 578. Hanner (Joseph), 1842, Amer. from N. Mex. at Los Ang. 42-3. Hannoah (Baptiste), 1848, d. at N. Helv. Hanns (H.), 1848, at Hon. from S.F. on the Julian. Hansen (Christian), 1840, mrof the Catalina