Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/793

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HANSEN HAKMON. 775 ]40-2. iv. 192, 564; lieut in Mex. navy. Hanson (Geo. M.), 1846 (?), miner in early times, and later publisher of newspapers; perhaps an imniig. of 46, died in Lake Co. 78. Hanton (Matthew O.), 1847, Co. G, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). Harbin (James M.), 1846, overl. immig. (v. 526), who settled in Yolo 47, and about 57 at the springs in Lake that bear his name; sometimes ac credited to 44. iv. 446; cl. for land in Napa and Yolo; d. Lake Co. 77. H. (Joshua), 1846, Co. E, Cal. Bat. (v. 358), enlisting at Son., Oct. H. (Mat thew), 1844, son of J. M., and overl. immig. of the Stevens party, iv. 445, 453. He went south and was one of the prisoners at Chino. v. 313-14; later a resid. of Napa and Lake, and about 75 went to Mexico to engage in stock- raising. Harcourt (Geo.j, 1846, Fauntleroy s dragoons (v. 232, 247); Co G. Cal. Bat. (v. 358). Hardcoop, 1846, Belgian of the Donner party, who died before reaching the Sierra, v. 531-2. Hardie (James A.), 1847, lieut 3d artili. U.S.A., major N. Y.Vol. v. 574; in com. of S.F. garrison 47-8. v. 513, 515, 649, 659; owner of town lots. In the war of 61-5 a brig.-gen.; d. Wash. 76 . Hard ing, 1846, doubtful name at Los Aug. H., 1847, mr of the Thos If. Benton. H. (Francis), 1847, owner of S.F. lot. H. (James), 1846, Co. G, Cal. Bat. (v. 358). H. (Thomas), 1845, Amer. sailor of the Tasto and Vandalia, aided by the consul, v. 587. Hardmont (Wm), 1847, Co. I, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499), at S. Jose" 50; d. before 82. Hardy, 1848, com. of the U.S. Ohio. v. 579. H. (Daniel), 1848, newspaper record. H. (H. C.), 1848, owner of S.F. lot. ,/ Hardy (Thomas M.), 1843, Canadian who possibly came earlier or had been naturalized in some other Mex. province, iv. 400; grantee this year of Rio de Jesus Maria on the Sac. near mouth of Cache cr. ; in 44 named in sev- e~ral records as carpenter and translator in Sonoma district, age 43. iv. 448; in 45-8 often named in N. Helv. Diary as visiting Sutter s Fort. I have an original letter in Span, of May 46. The Bear captors of Vallejo and Prudon spent the night at H. s place, v. 120. He was unpopular with the settlers, perhaps because of his sympathy for the Mex. Had a Cal. claim for horses; in the gold mines May 48; and a little later in 48 or 49 he was drowned in Suisun Bay, perhaps accidentally. His property was sold by the public administrator, and as late as 70 the sons of John Hardy claimed to be identical with Thos M. were trying in the courts to overthrow the title of J. M. Harbin and other holders under the administrator s sale and U.S. patent to the rancho. H. (Thos), 1847, at Benicia; perhaps same as preceding. H. (Wm H.), 1845;~lahded at Sta Cruz from a whaler, v. 587; worked for Larkin and others as a carpenter and lumberman, building a schooner 46; of H. & Jenkins 48; still at Sta Cruz 80. Hare (Henry), 1836, Engl. clerk with Jas Watson at Mont., age 26, and single. Hargrave (Wm), 1844, Amer. immig. from Or. in the Kelsey party, iv. 444-5, 453; settling in Napa as a hunter. He was prominent in the Bear re volt, v. 78-9, 95, 104, 110, 119; and later served in the south as lieut of Co. C, Cal. Bat. v. 361, 283. He is occasionally ment. in divers records of 45-8. In 78 he still lived in Napa, where he dictated for my use an interesting nar rative of Calif o rnii in 46. Harlan (Geo.), 1846, overl. immig. from Ind. with wife Elizabeth Duncan 2 sons, and 2 daughters, v. 528-30. He lived at S.F., and later in Contra Costa, dying in Sta Clara 50, and his wife in 48. H. (Elisha), 1846, son of Geo., in same party. H. (Joel), 1846, son of Geo., b. Ind. 28; in 49 married Minerva, daughter of Wm Fowler; lived at many dif. places, and from 82 in Amador Val., where he died in 72, leaving a widow and 7 children. Portrait in Contra Costa Co. Hist., 78. Harlem (P. W.), 1846, Co. F, Cal. Bat. (v. 358). Harley (Henry), 1847, Co. D, N.Y, Vol. (v. 499); d. near Sac. after 70. Harmand, see Harmon. Harmes (Henry), 1847, owner of S. F. lot. H. (Wm), 1847, ditto. Harmon (De Witt J.), 1847, Co. I, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); at Murphy s, Calav. Co., 71-4. H. (Ebenezer), 1847, Co. C, Moral. Bat. (v. 469). H. (Jacob), 1847, owner of lot at S.7. v. 685; in 48 had a garden at the mission, and a wife, Elenora, who obtained a divorce in 49. He died at S.F. 50, leaving a widow and 2 children, Mary Ann and Jacob. The,