Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/797

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HASTINGS HAY. 779 of the constit. convention, utilizing his geographical acquirements in the fixing of a boundary. He lived at or near Sac. till 57; then went to Arizona; came back on a visit in 64; and is said to have died in Brazil about 70. He was an intelligent, active man, never without some grand scheme on hand, not overbur dened with conscientious scruples, but never getting caught in anything very disreputable. H. (Sam. J.), 1841, mrof the Tasso 41-4. iv. 509. Haswell (Robert), 1788, Engl. mate of the Washington in voy. to N. W. coast, the 1st Amer. vessel to enter Cal. waters. H. kept a diary which was furnished me by his daughter, Mrs John J. Clark, who died at Roxbury, Mass., in 83, at the age of 80. Hatch (James B.), 1842, mr of the Barnstable 4 2-3, 44-5; possibly on the coast before, iv. 341, 563, 101; iii. 381; also mr of the Loo Chooin 47. v. 511. H. (J. W.), 1848 (?), killed accidentally at Napa 79. H. (Meltliah), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); at Panguich, Utah, 82, H. (Orin), 1847, ditto, at Bountiful, Utah, 82. H. (Prince G.), 1847, in S.F. list of letters. H. (Sam. B.), 1843, at Sta Cruz. Hathaway (Humphrey) , 1838, came on a ves sel com. by Capt. Howland, and worked as a carpenter at Mont. On Larkin s books 38-43; in Farnham s list of arrests in 40; left Mont. and his debts on the Rajah in 43. iv. 17, 119. H. (James M.), 1847, Co. A, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); d. Downieville 51. H. 1848, from Hon. on the Sayadahoc. Hatler (Alex.), 1847, owner of S.F. lots. v. 685. Hatton (Vm). 1826, on the Rover. Hauff (Ernest), 1847, musician N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); at S.F. 71-4; in Men- docino Co. 83. Haughty (Michael), 1847, Co. I, ditto. Haulstorn (Alex. ), 1830, doubtful name in a business account. Haun (John 8.), 1846(?), na t. of Mo.; in Sta Clara Co. 76; perhaps son of Wm. H. (Win), 1846, settler at Sta Clara with wife, Lavinia Whisman, the latter still living in SO. Haust (Joseph), 1847, owner of S.F. lot. Havey (John), 1847, Co. D, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); at West Point, Calaveras Co., 71-82. Hawes (Horace), 1847, nat. of N. Y., who visited Cal. from Hon. on the Angola, en route to Tahiti, where he had been appointed U.S. consul. In 49 he carne back and was prefect at S.F.. where he spent the rest of his life as a prominent lawyer and legislator. He was the author of an important treatise on the Cal. mission cases, and of many other well-known briefs, political pamphlets, and speeches; also of the S.F. consolidation bill of 56 and registry law of 66; a member of the assembly for two terms, and of the state senate in 63-4. Hawes was a self-made man, a shrewd lawyer, a man of powerful mind, original in his views and methods, but full of conceit, suspicions by nature, always unpopular, and eccentric to the verge of insanity in his later years. He became a millionaire, and by his will of 71 the year of his death at the age of 58 left the bulk of his estate for the foundation of Mount Eagle University and a Chamber of Industry, making but a comfortable provision for his heirs and relations. But the heirs, in a suit that is one of the causa* celebres of Cal., succeeded in breaking the will on the ground of the testator s insanity, and thus defeated his plans for the public good and his own perma nent fame. His 2d wife, married in 58, was Catherine Coombs, who survived him with a son, Horace, who died in 84, and a daughter, Caroline, who mar ried James, the son of Alfred Robinson, and is still living in 85. Hawk (Nathan), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); overland mail-carrier in 48, being employed by Brannan. H. (Wm), 1847, ditto; at Salt Lake City 81. Hawkhurst, 1837, perhaps one of the men employed to drive cat tle to Or. iv. 85. Hawkins, 1848, lieut with Gen. Lane, Sta F( to Or. via S. Diego. Coutts. H. (Benj.), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); in S. F. letter list 48. H. (John A. or P.), 1847, perhaps of N.Y.Vol. under another name (v. 499); d. at S. F. H. (Sam.), 1845, doubtful name of an overl. immig. iv. 578. ILjWrn) x _1830 (?), trapper of Ashley s comp., said to have hunted in the S. Joaquin Val. in very early times, and again in 52. Mont. Co. Hist., 29. H. (Zacarias), 1845, doctor and overl. imrnig. prob. to Or., and not Cal. iv. 578. Hawley (Jos.), 1842, mr of the whaler Hague 42, 44; iv. 566. Haws (Alpheus P.), 1847, sergt Co. D, Morm. Bat. v. 477. Hay, 1847, Scotchman, of H. & Dickson, S.F. traders at the Beehive