Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/798

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780 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. store 47-50; owner of town lots. v. 675, 684; left Cal. after 50. H. (G.C.), 1848, treasurer of S.F.; called Dr ; perhaps same as preceding. Hayden (Geo. W.), 1847, Co. D, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Hayes, 1845, Amer. immig. from Or. in the McM.-Clyman party; prob. went back in 46; but may have been the H. wounded at Natividad. iv. 572; v. 526, 367. H., 1848, at Mont, from Hon. on the S. Francisco. H. (Elias), 1833, Amer. at Mont. 33-6; in 34-5 making shingles for Abel Stearns, iii. 409. H. (Jacob), 1846, one of the Mormon col. v. 546; did not go to Utah; d. before 80; called also Hayse. H. (James), 1846, at Mont, as a kind of policeman; in the Cal. Bat., wounded at Natividad in Nov. v. 367; also called John. H. (Wm B.), 1847, mid. on the U.S. Dale; died at sea in 49. Hayt (Elisha), 1848, doubtful name at Mont. ; prob. Hyatt. Hay wood (Philip H. ), 1846, mid. on the Independence; lieut in Stockton s bat. 47. v. 386, 391-5. Healy, 1845, on the Sterling at Mont. Hearn (Thos), 1847, Co. E, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). Heartstene (H.T.), 1842, lieut U. S. N., sent east by Com. Jones with despatches, iv. 313. Heath (Chas), 1843, nat. of N.Y., who got a carta in Oct., living at Sta Cruz. iv. 400," 356; ment. at N. Helv. 45-7; in 47 owner of S.F. lot, and builder of a ferry-boat at Benicia. v. 671, 673, 678. H. (Rich. W.), 1846 (?), came as quartermaster U.S.A., and later had a ferry on the Stanislaus. Tinkham. H. (Russell), 1847, doubtful mention at S. Buen. H. (W.), 1848, passp. from Hon. Heathcoat, 1847, possibly of N. Y.Vol. under another name. Heathcote (Theodore), 1846, sergt Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons; in 48 ordnance sergt at Los Ang. Heceta (Bruno), 1775, Span. capt. and com. of the Santiago in explor. voy. to Cal. and the N. W. coast, i. 241, 247-8, 280, 330. Hecox (AdnaA.), 1846, nat. of Mich., b. 1806, and overland immig. with wife, Margaret M. Hamer, and 3 children, v. 529. Remaining at Sta Clara during the winter that is, taking an active part in the war with Mexicans he went to the Sta Cruz region, where he built a saw-mill, and worked as carpenter and builder; went to the mines for a short time in 48; alcalde at Sta Cruz 48-9. v. 642; later justice of the peace; county treasurer 61-3; from 70 in charge of the Sta Cruz light-house till his death, in 83. He was a methodist, and one of the first who preached protestant sermons in Cal. v. 641. His narr. of his early life, overl. trip, and experience in Cal., was published in the S. Jose Pioneer of 77, and was embodied by Willey in the Sta Cruz Go. Hist. His testimony on events connected with the war in 46-7, like that of so many other immigrants, has little value. His widow survived him, with the follow ing child.: Mrs M. E. Stampley of Carson, Nev., Mrs C. M. Brown of S. F., and Adna H. Hecox of S. Luis Ob., all pioneers of 46, and of those born in Cal. Mrs M. Longley of Sta Cruz, Mrs A. Rigg, Laura J., and Orville S. Por trait of Adna A. in Sta Cruz Hist. , 44. He was an active and respectable man of business. Hedges, 1844, mr of the Momnouth. iv. 567. Heeney (Robert), 1846, marine on the U.S. Dale; one of Marston s men in the Sanchez campaign of 47; slightly wounded, v. 381. Hefferman (Chas), 1847, Co. F, N. Y.Vol. (v. 499); in the mines 48; died at S.F. before 82. Heft (Geo.), 1816, sailor on the Lydia. ii. 275. Hegarty (Peter), 1845, signer of the S. Jos6 call to foreigners, iv. 599; on the 1st S.Jos< jury 4S. Hegel (Fred.), 1841, named in Larkin s accts 41-2. iv. 279; said to have been in the Bodega region 48-9; perhaps some confusion or relationship bet. him and Hagler; also Hugel, q.v. Helm (Henry), 1847, musician of N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Heil (Fred.), 1842, passp. at Mont.; perhaps Hegel or Hugel. Heinrich (Chas), 1847, Co. B, N.Y.Vol. (v. 299); in the mines 48; later a trader at Sac., where he still lived in 82; nat. of Germany, b. 24; wife from 50, Sarah Neubauer. Heinricks (Ed. ), 1846, Co. C, 1 st U.S. dragoons (v. 336). Heitleman, 1847, from Mazatlan with letters from Talbot & Co. Hcleno. grantee of Cosumnes rancho 44. Helmstadler (James), 1847, Co. B, NTYTVol. (v. 499). Hembkey (Conrad), 1846, Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons (v. 336). Hemen (James), 1828, Irish sailor, age 40. at Mont. 28-9. Hem- enror (M. W.), 1846, doubtful name at Los Aug. Hemerle (John), 1846, Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons (v. 336). Hempstead, 1847, mr of the Corea. v. 577.