Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/808

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790 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. Griffith married in 47 and 6 children, Rodney J. b. 50, Lavonia, Elbert, Ella, Ada, Bertha (died), and Robert L. Prob. still alive in 85. In 72, at Calistoga, he wrote his Autobiography for me. Portrait in Lake Co. Hist., 188. Six of his brothers and sisters came to Cal., sooner or later. H. (Edward), 1847, owner of S.F. lot. v. 682; still in S.F. 52, a carpenter. H. (Hiram), 1847, laborer and watchman at Mont. H. ( James T. ), 1845, a trader at S. Pedro. H. (John T.), 1805-6, mr of the Tamana. ii. 24. H. (Martin), 1848, nat. of Va, brother of David, and overl. immig. with wife and 5 children; settled in Guilicos VaL, Son. Co., 48-9 and lived there until his death in 71, at the age of 64. His widow, Elizabeth McAlroy, and 7 children were living in 80. The sons who came in 48, and were still living in 80, were Michael E, John W., David A., and Matthew T. H. (Thos), 1844, said to have come to Sta Clara Val. iv. 453; at Mont. 45; in 46-7 of Co. B, Cal. Bat. (v. 358), serving also a courier in Oct. 46; at Mont. 47-8. H. (T. F. ), 1848, settler in Sonoma Co.; at Sta Rosa 77. H. (Wilford), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); at Sutter s Fort in 48 when gold was discovered. H. (Wm), 1845, brother of David, overl. immig. of the Grigsby-Ide party, apparently with a family, iv. 579, 587; at Sta Rosa from 46, in which year his daughter Mary, later Mrs McCormick, was born. His wife is credited with having furnished some material for the famous Bear flag. v. 148. He died in 66, leaving a large family. H. (Wm L.), 1841, com. of the U.S. Peacock in U.S. ex. ex. iv. 241. Hudspeth (Benj. M. or N.), 1846, lieut, and later capt., Co. A, Cal. Bat. v. 361. I find nothing more about him. H L {James M.), 1843, nat. of Ala, who crossed the plains to Or. in 42, and came to Cal. in the Hastings party, iv. 390, 400. He worked for Stephen Smith at Bodega for a while, iv. 396; and subsequently visited various parts of Cal., working as a lumberman at Sauza- lito, and hunting in the Sac. Val.; served, perhaps, as a 2d lieut of Gantt s comp. during the Mlcheltorena war of 44-5; and in the spring of 46 went east to the Salt Lake region with Hastings and Clyman to aid in diverting immig. and prospective filibusters from Or. to Cal. v. 526, 529. He re turned in the autumn, v. 530, and served as lieut of Co. F, Cal. Bat., in 46-7. v. 361, 435. After the war he bought land in Sonoma, and worked with O Farrell as surveyor at Benicia where he owned a lot, v. 672, as also at S. F., v. 679 Napa, and other places; in the mines 49-50; later a farmer in Sonoma Co.; memb. of legislature 52-5; and still living in 85, at the age of 63. His wife, from 54, was Matilda Fuller, and he had no children. Portrait /in Son. Co. Hist., 160. Huefner (Wm), 1847, Co. C, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499); ment. at Sonoma, where he took part in theatrical performances, and at N. Helv.; resid. of S. F. and for a long time marshal of the pioneer society to 82; but I think died before 85. Huerstel (Laurent), 1844 (?), in S.F. 81, said to have arrived in 44. Soc. Cal. Pion. roll. iv. 453. Huet, 1845, Amer. farmer from Or. in McM.- Clyman party, who prob. went back in 46. iv. 572, 526; perhaps Hewitt. Huff (Columbus), 1847, Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. (v. 518); in Napa 48. ]Juel (Fred.), 1837, German who had been in Cal. 5 years when applying for a pass in 42. iv. 118; at Sutter s Fort 46; in 47 bought land of Rufus in Son. Co.; perhaps Hegel, q.v. Hugenin (Dan. C.), 1846, mid. on the U. S. Portsmouth; lost on the Warren s launch, iv. 587; v. 384. Hughes (H. M.), 1839 (?), in Sonoma Co. 74-7. H. (John), 1847, Co. D, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499). H. (Wm), 1845, one of Fremont s men. iv. 583; Cal. claim 46~-7 (v. 462). He was a nephew -of Cyrus Alexander, and also in the exped. of 48. H. (Wm), 1847, Co. F, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). H. (Wm 0.), 1836, on Larkin s books 36-7; perhaps Hewes. Huguee, 1845, mr of the Medicis. iv. 567. Huie (Geo. W.), 1847, physician said to have come with Lieut Thompson of the U.S.N.; joined by his family 49 at S. F.; at Petaluma 53-68, and later at S.F., where he died in 77. Hulett (Sylvester), 1847, lieut Co. D, Morm. Bat. v. 477; in 82 at Manti, Utah. Hull, 1844, mr of the Georgia, iv. 566. H. (Isaac), 1848, passp. from Hon. H. (Joseph), 1848, nat. of Ohio, who came to Or. in 45, and to