Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/809

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HULL HUTCHINSON. 791 Cal. on the discov. of gold; joined by his family 49; from 50 on a Sac. farm, where he still lived in 80 with wife and 4 children. H. (Joseph B.), 1843, com. of the U.S. Warren 43-7; in com. at S.F. 46-7, succeeding Mont gomery, iv. 569; v. 284, 289, 380, 434, 539, 581, 649, 659. Humphrey, 1840, at Mont.; Larkin urged to use his influence to start him for home. H. (Benj. F.), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). H. (Geo. L.), 1847, Co. H, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); at Coulterville 74. H. (Isaac), 1848, nat. of Ga, at Sutter s Fort when gold was discovered; having "Been a miner in Ga, he hastened to the mill, made a rocker, and thus became the pioneer in a new industry. Ment. in N. Ueh Diary in April. Died at Victoria in 67. H. (Wni), 1847, Co. G, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); at Coulterville 71-4; perhaps con founded with Geo. L. H. (W.j, 1848, passp. from Hon. Humphries, 1840, mr of the Columbia 40-1. iv. 102-3, 564. H. (Stephen), 1848, in S.F. list. Hunnewell (James), 1830, a well-known Boston trader in business at Hon. for some years. The only evidence I have that he ever came to Cal. is a letter of Oct. 30, in which he hopes to visit the country again; but in 33 he was in Mass, and intended to stay there. He died in 69. He may have visited Cal. before 20. Hunsacker (Abraham), 1847, Co. D, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); later sergt; in 82 a bishop at Brighain City, Utah. [. (Danifil), .1847, overl. immig. from Mo. with his family; ment. at N. Helv. in Aug. with news of approaching immigration, v. 556. Settled at Benicia, and later in Contra Costa, where he was treasurer of the county. Of his sons who came in 47, Harrison K. was at one time deputy sheriff of Contra Costa; James C. was sheriff, and lost on the Brother Jonathan; and Nicholas, also sheriff, was a miner at Park s Bar in 48, and a resid. of S. Diego 74. Hunt, 1813, agent of Astor s fur company, on th Pedler. ii. 271. H. (Gilbert), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). H. (Jefferson), 1847, capt. Co. A, Morm. Bat., and also preacher, v. 477-80, 488, 493; had a project for raising a new battalion, v. 496. He was accomp. by his wife and 4 sons, Hiram, John, Joseph, and Martial; and three daughters, Jane, Harriet, and Mary; but it is doubtful if all the family came to Cal. In later years Capt. H. came back to Cal. and represented S. Bernardino in the legisl. of 55. H. (Martial), 1847, son of Capt. H., Co. A, Morm. Bat.; in 81 at Snowflake, Ariz. H. (Timothy Dwight), 1841,. protestant clergyman who came from Honolulu in Nov., and was employed for a time as city chaplain. In 55 he was in Cal. as the agent of the Amer. Home Miss. Soc. v. 657. Hunter (Barry), 1846, doubtful name in a Los Aug. list. H. (Benj. F.), 1846, lieut on the U. S. Portsmouth; at N.Helv. June. v. 102; acting capt. of Co. C, Stockton s bat. 46-7. v. 385. H. (Edward), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); in 82 a bishop in Utah. H. (Jesse D.), 1847, nat. of Ky, and capt. Co. B, Morm. Bat. v. 477; in com. of S. Diego garrison, v. 488, 617. Ind. agent for southern Cal. at S. Luis Rey from Aug. v. 492, 568, 621-2. His wife died at S.D. in 47. v. 490. He remained in Cal., went to the mines in 48, but returned to the south to act again as Ind. agent. He died at Los Ang. in 77, at the age of 73, leaving 7 grown children with families. H. (Wm), 1847, musician of Morm. Bat., Co. B. (v. 469). Huntington (Dimick B.), 1847, Co. D, Morm. Bat. (v. 499); at Salt Lake City 55. Huntley (Ezra), 1847, Co. K, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499). Huntsman (Isaiah), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); in Utah 81. Huppertz (Gerard), 1834, succeeded Sill & Co. as baker at Sta B. Hurst. 1847, at N. Helv. from S.F., Oct. Hurtado (Joaquin), 1791, piloto in Malas- pina sexped. i. 490. Huse (Sam. E.), 1846, gunner on the U.S. Congress, and in com. of a gun in Stockton s campaign of 46-7; in Amador Co. from 51; died at Yount in 79. Hutcheon (Walter), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); d. Brooklyn, N.Y., 80. Hutcheson, 1848, sentenced to corporal punishment by court-martial. Hutchins, 1846, mr of the whaler Columbus. Hutchin- son (G.N.), 1846, in the U.S.N.; drowned in 78 at Vallejo, where he was mr of the navy-yard yacht Freda, and had lived for 20 years. Hutchinson (Jacob A.), 1846, overl. immig. with family, who in 49 set tled on the Cosumnes River, and soon started on a prospecting tour, from