Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/13

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PBEFACE. vii Liaotung, where it originated, and this again so indissolubly connected with Corea, that it is deemed advisable to give the history of Corea and Liaotung in a separate and introductory form, and to make it as complete as can be done from the authorities at the disposal of the author. This plan was all the more readily adopted, because the recital of the Chinese ancient history, centering around Liaotung, will suffice to show as much of the past of China, as will prepare the reader for more easily comprehending its present, and approximately forecasting its future. That future is yet to wield a mighty influence for good or for evil upon the whole world. The political throes of ancient China burst up the old Boman empire ; and those who know the internal state of China, are aware that changes are going on which will make her power more actively felt by the world at laige than ever before. The main condition for the manifes- tation of that power, is either Truth, which shall teach the Chinese mutual trust, — or a Napoleon, who shall compel united action. Christians are especially bound to interest themselves more in this China, so that when she does appear in her awakened Samson strength, it may be as a Christian power. China is still weak, but at the present moment she is assuming a bold attitude on the borders of Russia; and has compelled Russia to agree to cede over to her Eastern Turkestan, which the Russians had declared " inalienably " annexed. In preparing this volume on Corea for the public, the author had to follow one of two courses,— either to cast the principal material at his disposal into the smallest possible bulk, and to give a few essays on the past history of the countries illustrated, or to present those materiak in fuller detail, to be more literally exact if less interestingly written ; and he has chosen the latter.