Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/14

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VUl PBEFACE. The author would reoommend the reader to begin with chapter X, and to become somewhat fitmiliar with the Corean people, before beginmiig their past history under the chapters.- ChcLOsien, Oaogcndi, Svnlo, and Cored, Chapters 11, lU, and TV, are given not only because the Hieribi belonged to the country called liaosi, but because they present a true picture of the world of China, which has often been represented as a country whose history is so imifonn and quiet; no wars, no passions ! The condition of China represented in those chapters, and in others of this volimie, though not a chronic, is one of frequent and periodic occurrence. The two maps, given in the beginning of this volume, are intended to show the relative positions of States, Provinces, and Cities, in Corea and liaotung. The illustrations are inserted to enable the reader to see modem Corean costumes, and must by no means be supposed to index the intellectual portion of the Corean's person, for the paintings are by an indifferent Corean artist When names of China proper are given, it were well to consult a Chinese map, which is sure to be accessible to all readers. And as the names of Chinese axe neither very euphonious to the ear, nor attractive to the eye, — and as they are useful only to differentiate individuals, so much only of the name is used as will suffice to distinguish the various actors from each other.