Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/430

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398 OEOGRAPHY. peopled and poor; and, as will appear from the map, the southern portion of Corea is thickly peopled, and crowded with cities. The Qamsa of Hamgiang, because it is the home of the present dynasty, is the highest in rank ; the Gamsa of Pingaa is the most luxurious ; Oiungshang provides the largest income, and Gangwan the lowest Complete List of the Names of the Corea.n Cities. The Notes which follow the oltyliBt of each province give the Dames of the andent kingdoms (jjwo) and their location ; the more remarkable mountains {than, pa^Vi or ling% and the larger riven {gang or kiang). I.— GINGGI DO.~34 Cities with Magistrates, Dutant r^* ^ - M from AtMi liodemSamt, AndmtKanu. Capital ta H. Modem Name. AndmU NtttM, CapiM Mtf. MoodUa Kun cUieB—con, TJchow HwangU 180 Jinpooj Jinling Haenobtmg 60 Pochow Hwangpiiig 80 Jiaoho 80 Tangchow Ginchaen 60 Jiaping Jiaping 130 — Yoongping Yoongping 140 FoocitAu _ — -— Fooping Gweiyang 50 LingcUies • Nanyang Tangchang 106 LooDgyin Jfichimg 70 Yindiuen Jwanchxmg dO Jun wei Ginshaa 120 Lichnen Nanchuen 140

— — — . Changtwan Twanohow 120 Sieneitiei Foongjin FuBJun GadLin 100 Vangchuen Baling SO Chiaotoong 180 Diping Dihien 160 Jooshan Joochow 170 Baoohuen Ghingho 100 — Gichung Ghoongchung 100 Kun eUies Gwochwen FooHn 30 Yanggtin Hangrazig Lienonmig 120 67 Suhing Lienchwan Ghinchnen Jangbhow 30 140 Swoning Nanswo 200 Yindsoo Hiiechting 190 Naochimg Baiohxmg 170 Yangju GhiwBi 120 ICatien IdCeishan 160 Yaagchung Chttahiing 150 Gaoyang Doayazig 40 • Notes.— KANPnra tang, the present Seihan 9kan ehung, where the first long o£ Baiji erected his capital. BsiHAN SHAK, the BeOumshan KOn of GaogowlL Sinlo changed its name to ffanpang KUn, Gaoli Soodsoong king made it his south capital — Nanking^ Nanhan bhan, the present Gwangchow, whither the first king of BaQi moTed bis capitaL Sinlo changed it into a chow city. TiEKHO SHAN, nortli of Soongging. Its peaks are extremely high; henoe its name of " Touch-heaven moimtains." Shuno jd SHAN, west of Soongging ; so steep that streams course down its ndea in all directionB. LiOHUira qano, west of Soongging 30 11, where the Sung ambassador saw the Gaoli king.