Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/431

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NAMES OF CITIES. 399 SooNOTAO SHAN, in the jurisdiction of Kaichtmg, which Fooboo and Jiadoong, kingB of Gaoli, divided into two kun. Gaoli Taidsoo (founder) changed his capital from Tieyooen to this place. GiANG Doo, the present Ganghwa (island), whither Gaoli king, in fear from the Mongols (Tooen dynasty), fled, and made his capital ; calling it G — . South of the foo 25 li is Monithan (Mount Auckland), with a Temple of Heaven. MiCHU Hoo, present Yinchuen, where Biliw, elder brother of Wundsoo (king), made Ms capital. LooNOHUN SHAN, 10 U east of Yanggun Kiln. LiNJiN DOO Ford), south of Changtwan Foo, rising in Hamgiang Do, in the borders of Anbien. II.-JOONGCHING (CHOONCJCHITNG) DO.-.64 Cities with Magistrates. DitUint Vutant from from Modem Name. Aneimt Ifame. Capital in U. ITodtm if MM. Anetmt Name. Capital inU. MoocUUa Hitn cities— con. Joongchow Taiyooen 280 Gishan Shushan 180 Chingchow Shangdang 290 Hwaivin Dingsnan Moogoo 350 Goongchow Hiwnggin 320 Yooechung 350 Hoongchow FoocUy Chingfimg Hoongyang 300 Chinmng Yewiung Yinchung Ghingngan Chingwoo Chanffyen Htlec£anflr 320 320 240 Shaye 340 Daongan 280 — Unjin Duangun 400 KuncUiea Whaidua Bifung 340 Linchuen Gialin 400 Junchwan Suchung Whangshan 340 Danyang Banshan 370 Lien shan 400 Jainan Ghwunchung 390 Loochung Nichung 370 Hanshan Mashan 440 Fooytt Yttchow 380 Shoochuen Sichow 300 Shuchung Shushan 390 Mienchuen Mienchow 310 Piyin Bihiang 420 Tien nan Wochuen Ningshan Wodiow 210 410 Lanpoo Giwchwan Mashan Changshan 370 240 Whaishan Whaichow 280 Giechung Giechow 310 Swishan Foochung 350 Baonmg Sinchwun 350 Wunyang Wunchuen 230 Haimei Junmei 310 I>ahing Yinchung 280 TanfTJin SinchEmg Foodsn 350 Baongnn 380 Wunsai 220 — Mia/iAftn 250 LingcUif Moochwan Daloo 240 Wunyi Yimow 330 Chwanyi Ginchi 240 — Yenchl Ohuenchi 390 Hien cities Yoongchwun Dsuchwun 470 Hoongshan IMchwan Dashan Naidi 410 310 Hwang gien GhiugMian Hwangsi Cldshan 510 420 ^^nagosg 280 Yashaa Yachow 220 Pingdsai Hoyoo 160 Yoongtoong Gishan 470 Ancient Cfities^dhc, Whlichuno, present Gishan, where Wundsoo made his first ci^pitaL HiWNOJiN or HiWNGOiN, present Gongchow, the Hiwngohwan Kun of Baiji. King Wunjow removed his capital from Nanpingyaog thither. Chuauno SHAN, 50 li west of (^ngcfaow. SuTSU, present Fooytt, whither Baiji moved its capital from BQwDgohwan. In this hien is Baima gang R, west of which is Lohwayen mountain.