Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/228

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204 HISTORY OF whom had located there about the same time. Mrs. Barnhart, was a sister of the father of Ex-Grovernor Bouck, and quite a number of her descendants remain in that neighbourhood yet. The jSrst settler back from the river was Robert Nicholson, who located about three miles up the Tremperskill, which empties into the Delaware river at Shavertown. He moved with his family, in 1793. Philip Shaver, located himself on the same stream the following spring, and Thomas More, about a mile above, sometime during the same season. In the spring of 1797, Mark Summers settled about half a mile still farther up, and J onathan Earl, shortly after, one and a half miles above Summers, and within half a mile of what is now Andes village. About the same time Aaron Hull, after- wards, and for several years. Justice of the Peace of Middle- town and Andes, settled about one and a half miles north of the village of Andes. He reached his new home by an entirely different route, (the West Branch and Little Delaware,) from those settlers whom we have already enumerated, and conse- quently it is not strange that he should have been unaware of his proximity to them. It was nearly a year before he became aware of the fact, and then by simple accident. Hull had a horse which he was obliged to turn into the woods to pick its living, and it was while in search of his horse that he unexpectedly met Earl, who was also looking for a yoke of oxen that had strayed into the woods. The place of meet- ing was near the village of Andes. Early in the summer of 1794, John Burr, Henry J. Bevans, and J ohn Thomas, with their families, moved into what is now the easterly part of the town of Andes, about one and a half miles from Phenix's, above mentioned. Burr and Bevans were from Fairfield County, Conn., and Thomas was a Welshman, direct from his native country. J ohn Jones, another Welsh- man, settled within the limits of Andes, one mile west of Clark's factory, the same year — where his son and a number